HSF-1 promotes longevity through ubiquilin-1-dependent
2024年11月12日 · Increased activity of the heat shock factor, HSF-1, suppresses proteotoxicity and enhances longevity. However, the precise mechanisms by which HSF-1 promotes lifespan are unclear. Using an RNAi...
Heat shock factor 1 (HSF1) specifically potentiates c-MYC …
2023年6月27日 · Here, we show that heat shock factor 1 (HSF1), the master transcriptional regulator of the heat shock response, acts as a prime modifier of the c-MYC-mediated transcription. HSF1 deficiency diminishes c-MYC DNA binding and dampens its transcriptional activity genome wide.
Reversible phase separation of HSF1 is required for an acute ...
2022年3月7日 · Here by combining super-resolution imaging, in vitro reconstitution and high-throughput sequencing, we reveal that HSF1 forms small nuclear condensates via liquid–liquid phase separation at...
激活HSF过表达 有效延长寿命 - fanglanpost.com
One theory is that ubiquilin-1 (ubql-1) is necessary for hsf-1 OE to extend lifespan. It is a multifaceted, conservative shuttle protein that is localized in the cytoplasm and nucleus, where they act as chaperones and are the strongest modifiers of hsf-1 OE lifespan.
HSF-1 enhances cardioprotective potential of stem cells via …
2023年6月1日 · In this study, we describe a novel paracrine cocktail regulatory axis, in stem cells, to enhance their cardioprotective abilities. We identified that HSF1 knockout resulted in reduced cardiac regenerative abilities of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) while its overexpression had opposite effects.
Nat Chem Biol | 项晟祺/侯中怀/姚雪彪揭示HSF1温度依赖性相分离 …
2025年1月11日 · 热休克转录因子1 (HSF1) 是这一反应的核心调控因子,能够快速感知温度变化并诱导分子伴侣等基因的表达,从而维持细胞内蛋白质稳态。 HSF1的活性受到翻译后修饰 (PTMs) 的精确调控,这些修饰影响其相分离能力及下游基因的转录 (Zhang, Shao et al. 2022) 。 这种精细的热休克应答反应不仅对细胞的即时生存和长期环境适应至关重要,还与多种疾病的发生发展密切相关。 尽管HSF1的温度感应、相分离和PTMs调控在细胞应激反应和疾病中的作 …
Heterogeneous cellular responses to hyperthermia support …
6 天之前 · (C) Western blot of EMT-related proteins in HSF1 knockout (sg-HSF1) and HSF1 overexpressed (OE) SKOV3 cells. ( D ) Relative quantification of wound closure at 6 hours after treatment with NT or HT in SKOV3 cells with or without HSF1 overexpression ( n = 3).
HSF1Base: A Comprehensive Database of HSF1 (Heat Shock …
2019年11月19日 · HSF1 (heat shock factor 1) is an evolutionarily conserved master transcriptional regulator of the heat shock response (HSR) in eukaryotic cells. In response to high temperatures, HSF1 upregulates genes encoding molecular chaperones, also called heat shock proteins, which assist the refolding or degradation of damaged intracellular proteins.
Hsf1是维持HSC适应性和蛋白质稳态的新靶点 - 知乎
在本研究中,Kruta等人强调热休克因子1(Hsf1)是体外培养的HSC中蛋白质稳定的主要调节因子,并为其与衰老相关应激的相关性提供证据。 研究人员观察了体外培养诱导应激下HSC的整体转录变化,发现与蛋白质合成调控相关的基因较为丰富。 蛋白质合成水平的量化显示,与体内HSC相比,体外培养的HSC的蛋白质合成显著增加。 与下游后代相比,HSC的这种增加尤其明显。 值得注意的是,通过体外培养的CD34+人脐血造血干细胞和祖细胞(HSPC)的蛋白质合成增加,在 …
HSF1- 信号通路|蛋白抗体-华美生物
hsf1,即热休克转录因子1,也称为hstf1,是一种转录因子,在温度胁迫后被迅速诱导,能够结合热休克启动子元件(hse)。 这种蛋白质在调节寿命方面发挥作用,其表达受到磷酸化的抑制,磷酸化促进热休克蛋白90的结合。