中文考试服务网 - 汉语水平考试网
For foreigners looking to work in China, a high HSK score can help demonstrate that proficiency to employers and government officials, and better the chances of obtaining a working visa. The uses of HSK scores can be found at: College enrollment, level learning, course exemption, and course credits. Employee recruiting, training, and advancement.
HSK汉语水平考试 全知道(附全套免费学习资料)【2024新版】
HSK,全称为 汉语水平考试 (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi),由 中国国家教育部中外语言交流合作中心 推出并授权 汉考国际 组织实施,是目前评估汉语非第一语言的学习者汉语水平 最权威的 标准化考试。 2、HSK考试包含哪些内容? HSK重点考察考生在生活、学习和工作中的汉语交际能力,分为 笔试 和 口试 两部分: 笔试:包括HSK(一级)、HSK(二级)、HSK(三级)、HSK(四级)、HSK(五级)和HSK(六级)共六个等级。 口试:包括HSKK(初级)、HSKK(中级) …
Learn Chinese HSK Free (汉语水平考试) Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi
The site my-hsk.com presents a large amount of materials to prepare for the Chinese HSK exam. You can download materials to prepare for yourself on your computer or use them on the website online. HSK trial tests
汉语水平考试智能学习平台 - SuperTest - HSK Online
Chinese HSK Vocabulary, Flashcards, Audio, Sentence | HSK …
HSK Academy provides vocabulary lists, pronunciation, flashcards, sentences examples and practice tests for HSK 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Learn Chinese smarter.
How to do a HSK test from home online - GoEast Mandarin
How to do the HSK exam from home. 1 — Computer & software requirement; 2&3 — Requirement for the room & rules; 4 — Registering for the HSK at home exam; Ok, so a final checklist to do a HSK exam online?
HSK Resources
Free HSK resources include vocabulary list, grammar list, download free e-books and workbooks, watch tutorial videos, see book list and study tools recommended
Standard Course HSK 1 HSK标准教程(附光盘1练习册) PDF
全套教程对应hsk考试分为6个级别,1-3级每级1册、4-6级每级2册,共9册。 每册分课本、练习册、教师用书3本,共27本。 本书为教程1,共设15课,覆盖HSK(一级)考试的150个词语、45个语言点。
BLCU online HSK Pre-test Training Courses|HSK1-6|HSKK
BLCU Online HSK Training Courses will help you prepare for HSK Chinese Language Proficiency Test through live lessons with BLCU professional teachers.
HSK Mock: the only official platform for practising HSK and YCT …
Check out the description of your next HSK level so you know what you are aiming for. Familiarise yourself with the format of the HSK test so you know what to expect. Preview and review the prescribed HSK vocabulary so you know you’ve covered everything you might be tested on.