Hösl Märzenbier | Privatbrauerei Hösl | BeerAdvocate
Hösl Märzenbier is a Märzen style beer brewed by Privatbrauerei Hösl in Mitterteich, Germany. Score: 82 with 117 ratings and reviews. Last update: 03-22-2025.
Hösl - Beerwanderers
The Hösl family has run this thriving enterprise since 1906 with not only the brewery but also the restaurant in place. It’s right on the main square in Mitterteich and a popular place for good …
Beer / #f28e1c Hex Color Code, RGB and Paints - Encycolorpedia
Beer / #f28e1c Hex Color Code The color beer with hexadecimal color code #f28e1c is a shade of brown. In the RGB color model #f28e1c is composed of 94.9% red, 55.69% green and 10.98% blue. In the HSL color space #f28e1c has a hue of 32° (degrees), 89% saturation and 53% lightness. This color has an approximate wavelength of 586.97 nm.
#FBB117 (Beer) HTML Color Code - Computer Hope
Information on the #FBB117 or Beer html color code with its RGB and HSL make up, lighter and darker colors, analogous colors, and trinary colors.
HSL-Beer-440mL-HIGH STRENGTH LAGER-Great Britain-1998
Can Museum ID: 6887Brand: HSL Flavor: Beer Volume: 440mL Country Made For: Great Britain Country Made In: Great BritainDescription: HIGH STRENGTH LAGERYear of Issue: 1998 Material: Code: Barcode: 5021664212245 Top: Theme: Series: Can Museum ID: 6887 Added by: Allcans on 2/22/2009 8:05:57 PM 0 cans available for trade Total Cans: 131,299 from 203 Countries Total Members: 1,981 from 118 ...
Hösl-Bräu Brauerei Mitterteich
In Hösl-Bräu Bieren stecken Hopfen aus der Hallertau & Spalt, Brauwasser aus dem eigenen Brunnen und natürliches Malz aus Nordbayern. Seit 1906 braut die Familie Hösl Bier mit großer Leidenschaft. Mittlerweile in der dritten Generation. Kleider machen Leute. Bier aber auch! Vor allem, wenn es nicht von der Stange kommt. Denn s’Hösl passt am besten.
HSL是一种将RGB色彩模型中的点在圆柱坐标系中的表示法。 这两种表示法试图做到比基于笛卡尔坐标系的几何结构RGB更加直观。 是运用最广的颜色系统之一。
Beer color hex code is #EBBB40
What is Beer Color? Beer has the hex code #EBBB40. The equivalent RGB values are (235, 187, 64), which means it is composed of 48% red, 38% green and 13% blue. The CMYK color codes, used in printers, are C:0 M:21 Y:73 K:8. In the HSV/HSB scale, Beer has a hue of 43°, 73% saturation and a brightness value of 92%.
HSL-Beer-440mL-HIGH STRENGTH LAGER-Great Britain
Can Museum ID: 63432Brand: HSL Flavor: Beer Volume: 440mL Country Made For: Great Britain Country Made In: Great BritainDescription: HIGH STRENGTH LAGERYear of Issue: 1991 Material: Steel Code: Barcode: none Top: Tab top Theme: Series: Additional Photos: Added: 11/13/2014 5:04:48 AMFaceway 63432
HSL-Beer-500mL-13 1/2 % EXTRA FREE-Great Britain
Can Museum ID: 80408Brand: HSL Flavor: Beer Volume: 500mL Country Made For: Great Britain Country Made In: Great BritainDescription: 13 1/2 % EXTRA FREEYear of Issue: 1993 Material: Steel Code: Barcode: 5021664212719 Top: Tab top Theme: Series: Additional Photos: Added: 7/2/2017 6:09:53 AMAllcans Added: 7/2/2017 6:09:54 AMAllcans 80408 Added by: Allcans on 7/2/2017 6:09:53 AM Total Cans ...