HSM 904 - HSM Hohenloher Spezial-Maschinenbau GmbH – HSM …
With the 904 model series, HSM builds special forestry haulers whose efficiency is remarkable at all levels. The frugal IVECO 6-cylinder engines, the modern 6/3 gear load-shift torque converter or the innovative series 71 hydrostatic drive and high performing hydraulic system make the 904 a strong partner in timber harvesting. At full power ...
HSM 904 - HSM Hohenloher Spezial-Maschinenbau GmbH ... - HSM …
Mit der Modellreihe 904 baut HSM Forstspezialschlepper, deren Effizienz auf allen Ebenen bemerkenswert ist. Die sparsamen IVECO 6 Zyl. Motoren, das moderne 6/3-Gang Lastschalt-Wandlergetriebe oder der innovative Hydrostat-Antrieb Serie 71 und eine leistungsfähige Hydraulik machen den 904 zum starken Partner in der Holzernte.
HSM 904ZL - HSM Hohenloher Spezial-Maschinenbau GmbH ... - HSM …
Der HSM 904ZL ist somit für den Anbau großer Harvester-Aggregate geeignet. Durch die tiefe Anordnung des Krans und den langen Radstand bietet er eine faszinierende Standfestigkeit. Die Anordnung der Winde hinter dem Kran lässt eine vollwertige Windentätigkeit inklusive sämtlicher HSM Heckschildvarianten zu.
林业集材机 - HSM 904 - HSM - Hohenloher Spezial …
DirectIndustry(工业在线展会)为您提供林业集材机产品详细信息。规格型号:HSM 904,公司品牌:HSM - Hohenloher Spezial-Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. K。直接联系品牌厂商,查询价格和经销网络。寻找更多国外精选林业集材机产品和供应商采购信息,尽在DirectIndustry。
• 904H: HSM High Speed Drive (71 series); speed at 1st gear 0-14 km/h • 904ZF: ZF 6WG-190 load switching converter transmission 6 forward gears, 3 reverse gears ... 22 Technical data 904. Winches: • Series: Adler HY 20 (2 x 100 kN) double-drum winch Max. cable take-up 14 mm, 100 m
Forestry skidder HSM 904 - DirectIndustry
With the 904 model series, HSM builds special forestry haulers whose efficiency is remarkable at all levels. The frugal IVECO 6-cylinder engines, the modern 6/3 gear load-shift torque converter or the innovative series 71 hydrostatic drive and high performing hydraulic system make the 904 a strong partner in timber harvesting. At full power ...
HSM 904ZL - HSM Hohenloher Spezial-Maschinenbau GmbH - HSM …
The HSM 904ZL is therefore suitable to attach large harvester units. It offers incredible stability thanks to the low mounting position of the crane and the long wheelbase. The winch is located behind the crane, which permits unimpaired winch operation on all HSM rear blade versions.
Data Sheets - HSM Hohenloher Spezial-Maschinenbau GmbH - HSM …
HSM 904 6WD; HSM 904Z 6WD; HSM 904ZL; HSM 904S; HSM 208Z; Combination forwarder. HSM 805F Kombi short/long; HSM 805HDF Kombi short/long; HSM 904F Kombi short; HSM 904F Kombi long; HSM 954 6WD; HSM 208F 9 t Kombi short/long; HSM 208F 10 t Kombi short/long; HSM 208F 11 t Kombi short/long; HSM 208F 14 t Kombi short/long; Forwarders. HSM 208F 7 t ...
HSM 904 ZL Specifications & Technical Data (2006-2014)
Compare HSM 904 ZL with similar Special Skidding Tractors. HSM 904 ZL. Operating weight: 13.6 t Standard tyres: 23.1x26 Transport length: 7.4 m Transport width: 2.4 m. Pialleport Camox F 175. Operating weight: 11.36 t. Welte W 210. Operating weight: 16 t. NOE NF 140-4 R. Operating weight: 11.5 t Standard tyres: 23.1-26 16PR Transport length:
HSM 904S - HSM Hohenloher Spezial-Maschinenbau GmbH - HSM …
Special forestry hauler HSM 904S. Series: Adler HY 20-O (2 x 100 kN) double-drum winch Max. cable take-up 14 mm, 100 m