The HSG and HSP Color Models - GitHub Pages
In this article, I would like to present the two color models HSG and HSP. HSG applies the theories of the color scientist Harald Kueppers; HSP is a new color model which incorporates the perceived brightness; An open source library with conversion routines and the related project CmLibDemo is available on GitHub.
HSP Color Model — Alternative to HSV (HSB) and HSL
This simple color pallette of red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, and yellow, plus a blue-to-cyan gradient, painfully exposes the limitations of HSV and HSL in their attempts to gauge the brightness of a color. You really have to use HSP to get good results.
HSL and HSV - Wikipedia
HSL and HSV are the two most common cylindrical-coordinate representations of points in an RGB color model. The two representations rearrange the geometry of RGB in an attempt to be more intuitive and perceptually relevant than the cartesian (cube) representation.
HSL Color Picker
In both HSL and HWB we can describe and manipulate colors in a very natural way. The hue property ranges from 0 to 360 letting us select our base color. For example, red shows up at 0, yellow at 50, and orange naturally resides between them at 25 degrees. With the HSL model, a pure red is at hsl(0 100% 50%).
HspColor class - color_models library - Dart API - Pub
Constructs a HspColor from a RGB hex color. Constructs a HspColor from a list of hsp values. Generates a HspColor at random. The alpha value of this color. Calculates a value representing this color's lightness on a linear scale. The hash code for this object. Returns this as a hexidecimal string. The hue value of this color.
amaurer1/CmLibDemo: The HSG and HSP Color Models - GitHub
The HSG and HSP Color Models. Contribute to amaurer1/CmLibDemo development by creating an account on GitHub.
HSP color model · Issue #36 · gka/chroma.js - GitHub
2014年11月13日 · The HSP color model seems less useful than the similar HSL uv (HSLuv) model. Both models define Saturation as a percentage of maximum chroma, and have a perceptual Lightness. But HSL uv fixes the Hue too, so that the hues are spread perceptually uniformly. See the table of comparison between HSL and HSL uv.
HspGradator - amaurer1.github.io
HspGradator implements HSP, a new color model which incorporates the perceived brightness. The gradation curves are modelled with finite splines, also a new technique, which takes an intermediate position between line segments and cubic splines.
Issues calculating HSP color model - Stack Overflow
2023年1月20日 · HSP color model is a made-up color model created in 2006. It uses the same values as HSV for Hue and Saturation but, for calculating the P (perceived brightness), it uses Weighted Euclidean norm of the [R, G, B] vector. More info: https://alienryderflex.com/hsp.html
HSP | Chromaticity Color Utilities - GitHub Pages
The formula used to generate HSP is similar to the one Photoshop uses when converting images to greyscale. Hue value is between 0 and 360. Saturation, perceived brightness, and alpha are between 0 and 100 (as in, percent). When passing P R and P B values, P R + P G + P B must = 1. By default, P R = 0.299; P G = 0.587; P B = 0.114