HSQC and HMBC | NMR Core Facility - Columbia University
The HSQC (Heteronuclear Single Quantum Coherence) experiment is used to determine proton-carbon single bond correlations, where the protons lie along the observed F2 (X) axis and the carbons are along the F1 (Y) axis. An edited HSQC spectrum of …
HSQC - Heteronuclear Multiple Quantum Correlation. This 2D experiment correlates the chemical shift of proton with the chemical shift of the directly bonded carbon. On the bottom axis is a proton spectrum and on the other is a carbon. Cross peaks give …
7) Common 2D (COSY, HSQC, HMBC) | SDSU NMR Facility – …
Therefore, not only can you determine which protons are attached to which carbons, but you also can quickly determine if a group is a CH/CH2/CH3 by the phasing of your 2D HSQC contours. The HSQC is often faster to acquire and more informative …
在 dept(135°)谱中,一级碳原子(ch3)、三级碳原子(ch)为向上的峰,二级碳原子(ch2)为向下的峰,没有四级碳原子(c)的峰。 因此,该谱图表明:对氨基苯甲酸乙酯的分子中,一级、三级碳原子的总数为三。
有机化合物核磁共振(NMR)谱图解析 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
hsqc谱可联系相隔1个共价键的氢核和碳核,如-ch-。 如下图,当知道某氢核的谱峰位置,顺藤摸瓜,通过QC谱图,找到相对应的碳核信号。 如遇像-CH2-这两个氢非化学等价的情况,那么一个碳信号就会对应两个氢信号,此时,且位于两个氢信号的中间位置。
HSQC and Edited HSQC Spectra - Blogger
2007年11月14日 · There is also an edited HSQC sequence available which provides multiplicity information similar to that of a 13C DEPT-135 sequence where CH and CH3 signals are phased up and CH2 signals are phased down. In the figure …
核磁共振HSQCspectrum?用来表征什么? - 百度知道
2024年5月26日 · HSQC(Heteronuclear Single Quantum Coherence)谱是一种核磁共振(NMR)技术,用于确定碳氢(C-H)键的相对位置。 在HSQC谱中,每个观测到的点代表一个特定的C-H键。 这种谱可以区分直接相连的碳和氢原子,即一个碳原子上的氢原子。 HSQC谱可以被调整成相位敏感的,这意味着可以通过观察峰的相位差异来区分不同类型的碳氢键,如CH、CH2和CH3。 这种相位敏感性使得HSQC谱在某些方面与DEPT(Distortionless Enhancement by …
1H-13C HSQC - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
HSQC spectra feature generally better line shapes than HMQC and the commonly used multiplicity-edited HSQC versions offer the added benefit of distinguishing CH 3, CH 2, and CH groups. However, the HMQC pulse sequence is significantly shorter than the HSQC sequence, and therefore magnitude-mode HMQC spectra may have better S/N than magnitude ...
南开大学实用核磁技术 lecture 6---HSQC & HMBC - 百度文库
HMQC是1H检测的直接的异核化学位移相关谱。 F2维 代表1H的化学位移,F1维代表 13C的化学位移,所给出的 信息与直接检测的CH-COSY谱基本相同。 在实验时可采 用13C去偶和不去偶两种方式。 采用13C去偶时,13C,1H的 交叉峰只出一个。 无13C去偶时,13C,1H的交叉峰出两个, 即受13C的偶合作用,与其相连的1H在F1维(13C方向)分 裂成两个峰,两峰的距离即是13C,1H偶合常数。 HMQC中1H-1H耦合造成谱图质子方向分辨率的降低。 HSQC中X核的 …
HSQC - Heteronuclear Multiple Quantum Correlation. This 2D experiment correlates the chemical shift of proton with the chemical shift of the directly bonded carbon. On the bottom axis is a proton spectrum and on the other is a carbon. Cross peaks give …