HT Leopard M1T pedal review - Velo
2017年8月17日 · The lightweight Leopard M1T pedals are relatively new in the HT range, and the ones best-suited to ‘cross, gravel, and XC-style mountain biking with their minimal body design and titanium...
HT Leopard M1 Pedal - Review - Pinkbike
2016年5月20日 · HT is probably best known for their many platform pedal offerings, but it's the company's new lightweight cross-country pedal that's reviewed here. A pair of the pint-sized Leopard M1 pedals...
尼诺同款香不香?HT M1山地锁踏使用简评 - 知乎
本篇介绍的HT锁踏XC系列,有M1和M1T两种型号。 M1T拥有密封轴承,一个挤压和数控加工铝体与数控加工钛合金主轴,重量仅252克。 M1则没有钛合金轴,重量298克,并有多种颜色可选。 使用短评. 很多车手在使用部分品牌山地锁踏时常常会在踏板中轴位置上绑上一条扎带,用于解决锁踏与锁片之间轻微框量问题,并且山地锁踏一般较重,无法满足追求极致轻量化车手的意愿。 有些品牌虽然重量非常讨喜(仅有248g),锁踏与锁片之间没有那种松垮的感觉,超大的踩踏面 …
HT Leopard M1山地锁踏外媒评测 - 美骑网|Biketo.com
2016年5月22日 · HT锁踏需配合HT锁片. 售价129.99美金却只有299克,M1s具有相当高的性价比. 大多数人眼中,山地锁踏不外乎是Shimano的SPD,或是Crankbrother“打蛋器”、LOOK的专用锁片。HT采用自家的入锁机构,所以就必须使用他们自己的锁片。
HT Leopard M1 卡踏 - 測評 - Pinkbike
2016年5月20日 · 這副輕巧的 Leopard M1 重量只有 299 克,上頭 CNC 切削出的卡踏機構只適用 HT 自家系統。 有兩種版本選擇:要價 229.99 美金的 M1T 配有鈦軸心,只有 252 克。 這篇測試的標準 M1s 版本使用鋼製軸心,售價為合理的 129.99 美金。 售價 129.99 美金卻只有 299 克,M1s 具有相當高的性價比。 HT 的卡踏需配合 HT...
尼诺同款香不香?HT M1山地锁踏使用简评|山地车配件|评测 - 美 …
2020年5月23日 · 本篇介绍的HT锁踏XC系列,有M1和M1T两种型号。 M1T拥有密封轴承,一个挤压和数控加工铝体与数控加工钛合金主轴,重量仅252克。 M1则没有钛合金轴,重量298克,并有多种颜色可选。 使用短评. 很多车手在使用部分品牌山地锁踏时常常会在踏板中轴位置上绑上一条扎带,用于解决锁踏与锁片之间轻微框量问题,并且山地锁踏一般较重,无法满足追求极致轻量化车手的意愿。 有些品牌虽然重量非常讨喜(仅有248g),锁踏与锁片之间没有那种松垮的感 …
Spotlight: HT M1 & M1T Pedals Offer Mud Shedding, Color, …
2017年6月5日 · Picky about pedaling ergonomics? HT boasts its M1 pedal has a 1.5mm lower stack height than a Deore XT equivalent. Care about fashion? Just as Xpedo and Issi do, HT brings a rainbow of options and a potential inventory challenge for smaller shops. There’s at least seven colors waiting to match your bike or kit, with red, two shades of orange ...
HT Leopard M1 and M1T Pedals - 2016 Sea Otter Classic Pit Bits ...
HT Components showed us their new Leopard M1 pedals. The new M1 pedal is available in both a chromoly and ti axle option, and weighs 298g and 252g respectively. The pedal body is made from extruded CNC aluminum for a balanced strength-to-weight ratio.
Ht Components M1 Clipless Bike Pedals - Jenson USA
Because of their high quality, HT has gained a loyal following from riders and racers such as Aaron Gwin and Marcelo Gutierrez. This superior quality can be found in their M1 pedal. The M1 pedal will appeal to the cross country or trail rider that is looking for a high performing clipless pedal at a reasonable price.
HT Components M1 Leopard Pedals - Mountain Bike Action Magazine
2018年2月15日 · With stars like Aaron Gwin and Marcelo Gutierrez using their pedals on the World Cup circuit, HT has developed a loyal following of racers and riders. We tested HT’s T1 enduro pedal last season with great success and were eager to try the Leopard M1 pedals that were designed for cross-country and general trail riding.