HT12E Datasheet (PDF) - Holtek Semiconductor Inc
Features • Operating voltage - 2.4V~5V for the HT12A - 2.4V~12V for the HT12E • Low power and high noise immunity CMOS technology • Low standby current: 0.1u0004A (typ.) at VDD=5V • HT12A with a 38kHz carrier for infrared transmission medium • Minimum transmission word - Four words for the HT12E - One word for the HT12A
The capability to select a TE trigger on the HT12E or a DATA trigger on the HT12A further enhances the application flexibility of the 212 se-ries of encoders. The HT12A additionally provides a 38kHz carrier for infrared systems.
HT12E RF Encoder IC for wireless communication
HT12E RF Encoder IC for remote communication, this turorial provide example circuits, pinout diagram, applications and features
2024年2月26日 · HT12E 是一款 2^12 系列编码器 IC,广泛用于远程控制,在射频射频应用中非常常见。 这款HT12EIC能够将12位并行数据输入转换为串行输出。 这些位分为8个(A0-A7)地址位和4个(AD0-AD3)数据位。
HT12E的工作原理及实用电路 - 电子发烧友网
2023年7月2日 · HT12E 是一款 2^12 系列编码器 IC,广泛用于远程控制,在射频射频应用中非常常见。 这款HT12EIC能够将12位并行数据输入转换为串行输出。 这些位分为8个(A0-A7)地址位和4个(AD0-AD3)数据位。
HT12E Encoder IC for Remote Control Systems - Datasheet
2013年6月12日 · HT12E is a 2 12 series encoder IC (Integrated Circuit) for remote control applications. It is commonly used for radio frequency (RF) applications. By using the paired HT12E encoder and HT12D decoder we can easily transmit and …
HT12E参数_特殊应用集成芯片中文资料_Holtek - 百芯EMA
HT12E Holtek 特殊应用集成芯片中文资料PDF, 共 (15)页, HT12E数据手册有芯片封装DIP和参数资料, HOLTEK HT12E 芯片, 遥控编码器。
HT12A/HT12E - Holtek
2021年10月1日 · The capability to select a TE trigger on the HT12E or a DATA trigger on the HT12A further enhances the application flexibility of the 2 12 series of encoders. The HT12A additionally provides a 38kHz carrier for infrared systems.
HT12E,HT12E pdf中文资料,HT12E引脚图,HT12E电路-Datasheet
元器件型号为HT12E的类别属于其他集成电路(IC)消费电路,它的生产商为Holtek (合泰)。 厂商的官网为:......点击查看更多
HT12E Encoder IC Pin Diagram, Uses, Equivalents & Datasheet
The primary function of HT12E is to encode a 12-bit and send it out through the output pin. Since the IC comes with an in-built Oscillator it is very easy to make this IC work.