HT201型式数字特斯拉计/高斯计/磁性磁场强度计 - 1688.com
ht201型式数字特斯拉计/高斯计/磁性磁场强度计 涵盖了ht20、ht20a的功能并增加了可测量交流磁场功能(10hz-200hz);同时可测量永磁材料表面磁场、直流电机、扬声器、磁选机、永磁除铁器的工作磁场。亦可应用于检测机械加工后物品残留磁性、检测磁分布、产品 ...
Fanvil HT201 & HT202: The Elegant Call Centre Headset
With HD sound, long lasting durability and all day comfort, the Fanvil HT201 and HT202 offer a superb user experience! This Fanvil has wide compatability. To learn more visit the website -...
上海亨通高斯计探头HT20/HT201/HT208/HT108/HT100G/特斯拉 …
这是上海亨通高斯计探头HT20/HT201/HT208/HT108/HT100G/特斯拉计探头的详细页面。 产地:上海,是否进口:否,订货号:HT20/HT201探头,加工定制:否,货号:HT20/HT201探头,品牌:上海亨通,型号:HT20/HT201/HT208/HT108/HT100G/探头,测量范围:0-2000mT (0-20000Gs),尺寸:1000(mm),电池种类:9V电池一个 (可选购电源适配器直接用220V市电),测量精度:±2%,电源电压:无(V),用途:上海享通HT20/HT201专用探头,规格:HT20的探头无保修,HT201的探头 …
20:1 Attenuator (HT201) - Hantek
The HT201 has been designed to allow fuel injector and primary ignition waveforms to be measured using Hantek oscilloscope products. Please note this attenuator should not be used for any high voltage measurements other than fuel injectors and primary ignition. Specification: Attenuation: 20:1 Bandwidth: 10MHz Input Res: 1.053M
HT201高斯计-深圳市源恒通科技有限公司 - 化工仪器网
2025年1月11日 · HT201系列手持式数字/特斯拉计可用于测量直流磁场、交流磁场等各类磁场的磁感应强度。 该仪器可以随身携带,量程范围宽,操作方便,液晶显示清晰。 电源为一节9V干电池,可连续使用20小时。 HT201型手持式数字,永磁材料表面磁场、直流电机、扬声器、磁选机、永磁除铁器的工作磁场。 且可应用于检测机械加工后物品残留磁性、检测磁极分布、产品退磁后剩余磁场、并控制电镀物品带磁情况、检测马达磁性、检测电磁场的漏磁。 4、铁磁物质的剩余弱 …
Hantek 20:1 Attenuator — Jarhead Diagnostics
The HT201 has been designed to allow fuel injector and primary ignition waveforms to be measured using Hantek oscilloscope products. Please note this attenuator should not be used for any high voltage measurements other than fuel injectors and primary ignition.
Hantek HT201 Oscilloscope Passive Attenuator 20:1 10Mhz ... - eBay
2024年1月11日 · Hantek HT201 20:1 10Mhz Oscilloscope Attenuator for Automotive Diagnostics Use Only. Bandwidth: 10MHz. Passive attenuator with 20:1 attenuation. Input Resistance: 1.053M. Item Size: 60 18 16mm / 2.36 0.7 0.6in.
Máy đo HT201 Shanghai Hentong - SUNLY INDUSTRY
HT201 có thể đo từ trường bề mặt của nam châm vĩnh cửu như nam châm neodymium, nam châm ferrite, nam châm smco, nam châm alnico, cụm từ, và nhiều loại khác. Máy được thiết kế nhỏ gọn, thuận tiện mang theo, và có màn hình LCD rõ ràng. Nguồn là pin khô 9V, sử dụng được liên tục trong 20 giờ.
Neon Patent Plain/ Blank Captain Hat
仁聚益HT201系列高斯计高斯特斯拉计表磁仪表面交直流磁场测试仪磁通计 HT201 …
仁聚益ht201系列高斯计高斯特斯拉计表磁仪表面交直流磁场测试仪磁通计 ht201 电池版 交直流0-2万gs图片、价格、品牌样样齐全! 【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!