Handy - Happy Tree Friends Wiki
Handy is one of the main characters of Happy Tree Friends. He's also a premium character in Deadeye Derby. Handy is an orange beaver with unexplained amputated arms (thus his name). The stumps are covered with bandages. He wears a tool belt (which holds a hammer and a screwdriver) and a yellow...
Handy/Gallery - Happy Tree Friends Wiki
H is for Handy: "A happy home has all the right hardware for any happenstance!" Character shot on older versions of Mondo Media's website. Handy's Turn Around Art
handy(动画《Happy Tree Friends》中的角色)_百度百科
Handy是一个工匠,没有双手,但是能开车和驾驶直升飞机。 残肢处缠着绷带,当需要用手时会生气,身穿一条工具袋,头戴黄色安全帽。 他没干什么坏事情,自己总是辛勤工作。 可是不幸总是在他身边发生,最后免不了殃及他这无辜的池鱼。 总是一副闷闷不乐的样子(官方表示是因为:如果你感到快乐你就拍拍手……你懂得)。 有时候,Handy并不在乎别人受伤和死亡。 他会一些中文,在某一集中用中文说过:“我没有手臂”。 Handy,动画《Happy Tree Friends》中的角色。 …
Handy (Happy Tree Friends) | Heroes Wiki | Fandom
Handy is one of the main protagonists of the Happy Tree Friends franchise. He is an orange beaver with amputated arms and often pulls a signature groan and frown whenever he realizes or annoyed. He is friends with Giggles, Cuddles, Toothy, Lumpy, The Mole and Flippy and his love interest is Petunia.
Handy's Relationships | Happy Tree Friends Wiki | Fandom
Handy is generally on neutral to friendly terms with most of the cast. However, he does have a notable tendency of not showing much grief, or any negative reaction at all over the deaths... This article focuses on the interactions between Handy and …
happy tree friends - 百度百科
《Happy Tree Friends》是美国是一个动画系列,由Mondo Media(盟国媒体)制作,Kenn Navarro和Rhode Montijo设计,于1999年首创,不定期会有新的作品,已有两百余部的迷你秀短片(每一集的时间长度在1分钟到7分钟左右)。
Handy | Wiki | Happy Tree Friends Amino - Amino Apps
Handy is an orange beaver with unexplained amputated arms (thus his name). The stumps are covered with bandages. He wears a tool belt and a yellow worker's helmet (the typical dress of most construction workers).
Handy | HTF Fandom Wiki | Fandom
Handy. Sign in to edit History Purge Talk (0) And now, the nations of the world, brought to you by Yakko Warner! United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Haiti, Jamaica, Peru Republic Dominican, Cuba, Caribbean, Greenland, El Salvador too ... HTF Fandom Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. View Mobile Site
Handy | Detailed Happy Tree Friends character Wiki | Fandom
Handington “Handy” Fergus Hodge Beaver is one of the main characters of Happy Tree Friends. He’s a construction worker who likes to build stuff. He is a North American beaver (Castor canadensis). He is often tormented by the world. He lacks hands which makes his …
Happy Tree Friends - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
《Happy Tree Friends》(中文名:欢乐树的朋友们、幸木镇 htf被封后的规避用tag ;日文名:ハッピー·ツリー·フレンズ)是由Mondo Media制作的一部动画。从2000年开始,每年都有新的作品推出,迄今已有百余集。