(HF-) Litz Wire & Special Cables | SynFlex
HF litz wires’ main purpose is to decrease the so called skin effect which leads to lower current density inside than outside of alternating current carrying conductors. To keep this effect as marginal as possible the surface is increased by using many insulated strands.
2020年5月12日 · While any stranded conductor can be referred to as Litz, we use the term to describe a conductor manufactured by twisting together individually insulated wires in specific patterns to produce a desired electrical effect. Most Common Constructions Type 1: All wires twisted in same direction.
Litz Wire, HF-Litz, High Frequency Litz Wire, Litz Wire
The optimal High Frequency (HF) performance of enamelled litz wire and the wide range of possibilities for unique designs make litz wire an optimal material for sensors and antennas. Examples are Inductive proximity sensors
HF-Litzen für die Elektrotechnik, HF-Litzen für hohe Effizienz ...
Hochfrequenzlitzen bestehen aus mehreren seilartig gebündelter und elektrisch voneinander isolierter Drähte. Sie werden in einer Vielzahl von Anwendungen eingesetzt, in denen eine ausgeprägte Flexibilität und gute Hochfrequenzeigenschaften erforderlich sind.
HF litz wires for the electrical industry | SynFlex
HF litz wires (high-frequency stranded conductors) are used wherever special flexibility and good properties are required with regard to high-frequency applications. By individually adapting the parameters, such as number and thickness of the individual wires, flexibility or insulation, we design the optimum conductors for your application.
Feindrähte und HF-Litzen für die Elektrotechnik | PACK LitzWire
Wir produzieren seit 1933 HF-Litzen und Feindrähte für die Leistungselektronik, die Antriebstechnik, Medizintechnik, Bahntechnik und Automatisierung mit weltweitem Vertriebsnetz. +49 (0) 22 61 / 95 67-0 [email protected]
Enamelled copper wire and hf litz wire | PACK LitzWire
Performance-optimized components with RUPALIT® high-frequency litz wire. Our production includes fine wires as well as RUPALIT® HF-litz wire for electrical engineering and power electronics. Pack litz wire are produced by using the most modern manufacturing processes and the latest technologies.
Litz wire’s engineered twisted construction utilizing multiple individually insulated conductors can effectively minimize these high frequency losses when used in high frequency applications. These aspects are already considered in the very first phase of litz wire design.
Hochfrequenzlitze – Wikipedia
Hochfrequenzlitze, auch HF-Litze, ist eine Litze, welche aus einer größeren Anzahl feiner, meist durch Lack voneinander isolierter Drähte besteht, die so verflochten sind, dass im Mittel jeder Einzeldraht möglichst jede Stelle im Gesamtquerschnitt der Litze gleich oft einnimmt. Diese Litze wird in der Hochfrequenztechnik verwendet ...
RUPALIT® high-frequency litz wires | PACK LitzWire
RUPALIT® high-frequency litz wires are constructed from RUPOL®, RUPEX® or RUTHERM® enamelled copper wires. (aluminium wires on request) On special request, we can also supply any other design of litz wire up to an overall cross-section of 1.000 mm². For further information, please refer to our Data Sheets.