Mime | Happy Tree Friends Wiki | Fandom
Mime is one of the main characters of Happy Tree Friends. Mime is a purple male deer with pointy ears and antlers who wears face paint and a navy blue/dark purple and white striped shirt. He is based on and inspired by many mime artists from the 1910s and the 1920s, especially Charlie Chaplin and some mime artists from France.
Mime - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
Mime 是 Mondo Media 所制作的动画《Happy Tree Friends》及其衍生作品的登场角色。 作品的主要角色之一。 紫色的 小鹿, 尖耳朵,头上有 两根角。 脸上涂着白色颜料,有着深紫色眉毛和粉紫色脸颊。 穿着紫白条纹衬衫。 有一条小 尾巴。 名字来源于意为“哑剧”的"mime"。 敬业到了极点的哑剧 演员,无时无刻不在表演哑剧,因为要表演哑剧所以甚至把常识都抛在脑后了。 会说话,但为了演好哑剧所以不说话,即使身体受尽折磨也不会尖叫,但偶尔还是会发出声音的。 不知 …
Mime/Gallery | Happy Tree Friends Wiki | Fandom
HTF 20th Anniversary Poster (New 20th Anniversary 2019 Merch). Mime's still juggling as Toothy starts to trip on the TV series Volume One DVD cover. On the cover of the European release, he drops his clubs in horror when Toothy trips.
Mime - Amnesia HTF Wiki
Mime is a recurring character (recurring antagonist: Infected) in HTF Amnesia. Mime is a purple male deer with pointy ears and antlers who has makeup around his face and wore a navy blue/dark purple and white striped shirt. He never speaks due to the fact that he is a mime, causing others to...
Mime's Relationships | Happy Tree Friends Wiki | Fandom
This article focuses on the relationships between Mime and every other main character he has interacted with in Happy Tree Friends. Compared to most other examples, Mime does not interact frequently with other characters. Despite this, he is easy to …
Wiki - mime (htf) - e621
Mime is one of the main characters of Happy Tree Friends. Mime is a purple male deer with pointy ears and antlers who wears face makeup and a navy blue/dark purple and white striped shirt. He never speaks due to the fact that he is a mime, causing others to …
New HTF OC: Mime Jr. by Kathreena on DeviantArt
2008年8月18日 · Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. Literature. Submit your writing
Mime (Headcanons) | Wiki | Happy Tree Friends Amino - Amino …
This is my human Mime headcanons. Please don’t hate on this or force your opinion in this post. Respect my headcanons please. What I Like: Dislike
Mime | Wiki | Happy Tree Friends Amino - Amino Apps
Mime is a purple male deer with pointy ears and antlers who wears face makeup and a navy/blue dark purple and white striped shirt. He is a friendly character that would do anything to make a tree friend happy, even in tough situations.
Mime - Fictional Characters Wiki
Mime is one of the main characters in Happy Tree Friends. Mime is a purple male deer with sharp ears and antlers who wears face makeup and a navy blue/dark purple and white striped shirt. He never speaks due to the fact that he is a mime, causing others to …