Nutty | Happy Tree Friends Wiki | Fandom
Nutty is one of the main characters of Happy Tree Friends and a playable character in the False Alarm video game and Deadeye Derby. Nutty is a lime male squirrel with a yellow diamond-shaped marking on his head and a large curled-up tail that moves when he is excited.
Nutty/Gallery - Happy Tree Friends Wiki
Nutty's Internet Season 3/4 intro. N is for Nutty: "Nuttin' wrong with going nuts for nectarously nice candy!"
Nutty - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
Nutty 是 Mondo Media 所制作的动画《Happy Tree Friends》及其衍生作品的登场角色。 作品的主要角色之一,也是游戏《False Alarm》与《Deadeye Derby》的可用角色之一。 绿色的 松鼠,脸上有黄绿色的花纹。 长着短圆耳朵和大尾巴。 异色瞳,左眼像一颗糖。 身上贴着 棒棒糖 、糖苹果和拐杖糖和一个吸盘糖。 名字来源于意为“多坚果的”、“古怪的”的"nutty"。 总是疯疯癫癫的糖果瘾君子。 精神高度亢奋,总是抽搐或发笑。 如果长时间没有吃到糖果会出现大哭、尖叫、哀嚎 …
Happy Tree Friends:Nutty - 哔哩哔哩
Nutty是目前唯一一个两边眼睛颜色不同的角色,叫做异色。 由于巨大的糖分摄入量,Nutty经常会过度活跃和紧张不安,且咯咯笑的次数得比他说话多(有时甚至在垂死时咯咯笑)。
Nutty - Happy Tree Pedia
2024年12月20日 · Nutty is the main character of the Happy Tree Friends: False Alarm tie-in episode and is one of the Happy Tree Friends that need Lumpy's rescue in the video game portion. Nutty moves automatically and can be subjected to level hazards as well as player abilities Water, Nitro (if frozen), and Fire.
Nutty - Villains Wiki
Nutty is one of the main protagonists of the Happy Tree Friends series. He is not exactly evil, and in most episodes, he can be friendly, more so mentally ill, crazy or mischievous. However, he is known to occasionally be selfish and antagonistic towards others, due to his addiction to sugar.
Nutty - HTF Fandom Wiki
Nutty is a light green squirrel with one yellow diamond shaped marking on his head and a large curled-up tail that moves when he's excited. Nutty has an addiction for candy or anything that is sugary. He has candy stuck to his fur, which he treats …
Nutty - Happy Tree Friends Fandom Wiki
Nutty is one of the main characters in Happy Tree Friends. Nutty is a yellow-green squirrel, who is suffering from an addiction to sweets. There are lollipops and candies stuck on his fur, with some of the other sweets are stored in his closet. Before he leaves his house, he sticks those sweets on his fur as his "clothing".
Nutty's Relationships | Happy Tree Friends Wiki | Fandom
This article focuses on the interactions between Nutty and every other main character of Happy Tree Friends he has interacted with so far. Nutty is a very happy and cheerful character, but is often consumed by his addiction and lust for candy.
Nutty - Happy tree friends Wiki | Fandom
Nutty has an addiction for candy or anything that is sugary. He has a big swirly lollipop, candy cane, small all-day sucker, and a candy apple stuck to his fur, which he even treats as his wardrobe, as evidenced in Chew Said a Mouthful, although this sometimes changes.