Toothy - Happy Tree Friends Wiki
Toothy is one of the main characters of Happy Tree Friends, and one of the four primary characters of the show, along with Cuddles, Giggles, and Lumpy. He is also one of the …
Toothy/Gallery - Happy Tree Friends Wiki
The image that signifies the maintenance of the Japanese Happy Tree Friends Website.
Toothy - Happy Tree Pedia
2025年3月12日 · Toothy is the star of his own Smoochie, Toothy's Easter Smoochie. Each option, which are Yummy, Goody, and Tasty, involves Toothy encountering an egg that somehow …
Toothy's Relationships | Happy Tree Friends Wiki | Fandom
This article focuses on the interactions between Toothy and every other character in Happy Tree Friends. Being one of the four primary characters, Toothy has interacted with every other …
Toothy | Toon Database Wiki - Fandom
Toothy is a recurring character in the Happy Tree Friends universe who debuted in Spin Fun Knowin' Ya. He is a mauve beaver distinguished by his freckles and huge buckteeth unlike the …
Toothy - Happy Tree Friends Fandom Wiki
Toothy is the first character in the Happy Tree Friends series who was killed in a very painful way for him. He's the first victim of Lumpy, Flippy (evil side), and Mime.
Toothy - Lumpypedia, a Happy Tree Friends wiki
— Toothy's starring intro, Season 3 of Happy Tree Friends. Toothy is one of the main characters in the Happy Tree Friends franchise. As his name implies, he is a purple beaver with gapped …
Toothy - HTF Fandom Wiki
Toothy is a purple beaver with very large, gapped teeth (from which his name is derived), which appear to have a Diastema. His character description on the official Happy Tree Friends site …
Toothy | Wiki | Happy Tree Friends Amino - Amino Apps
Toothy has a friendly personality who likes to play around now and then. He can be seen as stubborn at times too. Although his character description on the official site says he has "big ol' …
Toothy - MUGEN Database
Toothy is one of the main characters of Happy Tree Friends. Toothy is generally a very friendly character who is an Everyman who likes to play around now and then, particularly with the …