Comparison of HOME and HTF - HUD Exchange
HTF funds are targeted to provide housing for ELI and VLI households. This is a lower income group that are not typically served by HOME and is a common gap in the available housing …
Housing Trust Fund Income Limits - HUD User
The Housing Trust Fund Interim Rule at 24 CFR § 93.250 states that in any fiscal year in which the total amount available for allocation of HTF funds is less than $1 billion, the grantee must …
Using HOME and HTF Funds within Opportunity Zones
PJs should explain to potential partners that HOME is a formula-based entitlement program whose primary purpose is to provide affordable housing for low-income and VLI households. …
The national Housing Trust Fund (HTF) is a dedicated fund intended to provide revenue to build, rehabilitate, and preserve housing for people with the lowest incomes. The HTF was enacted …
Using HOME and HTF Funds within Opportunity Zones - HUD …
HOME funds can pay for housing hard costs, soft costs, relocation costs, and loan guarantee accounts for housing that is occupied by low-income and VLI households. A PJ may expend, …
Affordability tiers should include a minimum of 50% ELI/VLI units, with at least 25% of units at ELI levels inclusive of units for formerly homeless households.** Projects are subject to a …
The HTF is principally for the production, rehabilitation, preservation, and operation of rental housing for extremely low-income households (ELI), those with income less than 30% of the …
The rents for HTF designated units in an assisted project are capped at 30% of 30% AMI or 30% of poverty level, whichever is greater, for units occupied by ELI households, and 30% of 50% …
– Very Low Income (VLI): established by HUD at 50% of Area Median Income (AMI) – Low Income (LI): established by HUD at 80% of AMI
Very Low-Income (VLI) HTF – As defined by the HTF Program, a family whose annual income does not exceed 50% of the area median family income. Other definitions applicable to HTF …