Petunia - Happy Tree Friends Wiki
Petunia is one of the main characters of Happy Tree Friends. Petunia is an indigo and Navy Blue skunk with a sky-blue arrow marking on her forehead, which is connected to the triangle-shaped...
Happy Tree Friends Wiki - Fandom
2008年1月31日 · Happy Tree Friends is a Flash cartoon series by Mondo Mini Shows, created by Kenn Navarro, Aubrey Ankrum, Rhode Montijo and Warren Graff. Since its debut, the show has become a popular internet phenomenon and has won a cult following.
And the Kitchen Sink | Happy Tree Friends Wiki | Fandom
2006年9月25日 · And the Kitchen Sink is episode number 1.3 of the Happy Tree Friends television series. This proves that Pop is an irresponsible father! (Part 1) Cub doing the torture of his life! (Part 2) Pop washes Cub in the kitchen sink and forgets about the garbage disposal. (DVD) Pop will do anything to rescue his beloved Son.
HTF Fanart - Wink by PatientPaint93 on DeviantArt
2023年7月14日 · PatientPaint93 on DeviantArt https://www.deviantart.com/patientpaint93/art/HTF-Fanart-Just-Porcupine-956087944 …
Happy Tree Friends - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
《Happy Tree Friends》 (中文名: 欢乐树的朋友们 、 幸木镇htf被封后的规避用tag;日文名: ハッピー·ツリー·フレンズ)是由 Mondo Media 制作的一部动画。 从2000年开始,每年都有新的作品推出,迄今已有百余集。 世界闻名的 致郁系 动画作品。 一部逆天的完爆各种 子供向 的小清新动画。 本来的创作初衷是普及儿童安全教育,后来发现走致郁重口路线更受欢迎, 就放弃了节操在黑暗的路上越走越远。 但这样解释也改变不了第一集就各种流血的事实。 因此该动画系 …
Petunia | Happy Tree Friends Fandom Wiki | Fandom
Petunia Susan Minerva Kendra Skunk is one of the main characters in Happy Tree Friends. Petunia is a female blue skunk with a light blue arrow-shaped marking on top of her head. Petunia always wears a little pink flower on top of her head and an air freshener in the shape of a Christmas tree on...
HTF 系列圖預告-快樂樹朋友HTF*擬人|痞客邦
2013年12月5日 · 滿滿的紫色 應該知道我正在畫誰惹吧? 我已完成3張系列圖 Flaky 笑笑 潔潔 因為畫了很久 所以很抱歉 我想一次po上來 不然分女生跟男生一起po 在等等吧!
我用bing找到的有关HTFCN(HTF中文论坛)的资料 - 知乎
2025年3月11日 · 我今天晚上在看月计的时候发现自己不知道什么时候用bing搜索了HTFCN,发现了一些有趣的资料。 据猎奇吧吧友考证,中国互联网已知第一次提及HTF是在2004年的a9vg论坛。当时人将其视为一个“18禁flash”。[1] 介绍 H…
Petunia (Happy Tree Friends) - Character-community Wiki
Petunia is one of the main characters of Happy Tree Friends. Petunia is an indigo and navy blue female skunk with a sky-blue arrow marking on her forehead, which is connected to the triangle-shaped marking on the back of her head and sky-blue …
My Htf Ships List | Wiki | Happy Tree Friends Amino - Amino Apps
2021年3月12日 · Lumpy x his stupidity ( they “belong” Together :wink: ) The rat x mole ( if you don’t know the rat , he’s in one htf special called mole in the city ) Sniffles x cuddles ( this works) ... Happy Tree Friends. 12,645 Members . A community for fans of the internet/TV series Happy Tree Friends by Mondo Media. Join Now Create Post .
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