Human T-lymphotropic virus type 1
2024年12月4日 · Human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is a retrovirus which causes a chronic lifelong infection in humans. HTLV-1 is primarily transmitted through breast feeding, …
Human T lymphotropic virus (HTLV) - PAHO/WHO | Pan American …
2024年4月14日 · Infective dermatitis is a cutaneous manifestation of HTLV-1 infection. It is more frequently observed in paediatric patients and lesions are usually seen on the scalp, external ear, retroauricular area, eyelid, paranasal skin, neck, axilla, and groin. Lesions are erythematous, scaly, and crusted and are usually recurrent.
Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 - Wikipedia
Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 or human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV-I), also called the adult T-cell lymphoma virus type 1, is a retrovirus of the human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV) family. Most people with HTLV-1 infection do not appear to develop health conditions that can be directly linked to the infection.
Human T-Cell Lymphotropic Virus - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
2023年7月4日 · Human T Cell lymphotropic viruses (HTLV) are a family of retroviruses. Currently, four types of this virus have been identified which are known to infect humans with a pathological consequence: HTLV-1, HTLV-2, HTLV-3, and HTLV-4. These viruses are known for their oncogenic potential as well as etiology in other disease processes.
Human T-Lymphotropic Virus-1 Associated with Adult T-Cell …
Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATL/L) is a rare and aggressive blood malignancy, associated with HTLV-1. Therefore, the clinical manifestations and pathological characteristics of malignant lymphoma of the head and neck need to be considered in HTLV-1 endemic areas.
Epidemiology, Treatment, and Prevention of Human T-Cell …
Intravenous exposure to blood is the most efficient mode of HTLV-1 transmission. In the past, this occurred mainly through the transfusion of blood not tested for HTLV-1. Most epidemiological studies of HTLV-1 reported transfusion as an important risk factor for HTLV-1 seropositivity (65).
Clinical and cytopathological characteristics of HTLV‐1
2020年6月28日 · Human T‐lymphotropic virus‐1 (HTLV‐1) + Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) is difficult to differentiate from adult T‐cell leukemia/lymphoma with HL‐like histology. Here, we compared cytohistology, clinicopathological features and prognoses between patients with genetically confirmed HTLV‐1 + HL and those with HL‐like ATLL.
人类T淋巴细胞病毒感染 - 百度百科
人类亲T细胞病毒(HTLV)是致瘤性RNA病毒,属慢病毒亚科,可分为HTLV-Ⅰ型和HTLV-Ⅱ型。 近来发现该病毒在人类可引起多种疾病:HTLV-Ⅰ可引起成人T细胞白血病/淋巴瘤(ATL)、热带痉挛性截瘫/HTLV相关性脊髓病等;HTLV-Ⅱ与T-多毛细胞/巨粒细胞白血病等疾病相关。
Human T-cell Lymphotropic Virus: Symptoms, Transmission
Learn about Human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) infection, its symptoms, transmission, diagnosis, and treatment options. Discover prevention tips and improve quality of life.
Imaging Spectrum of HTLV-1–Related Neurologic Disease
In this study, we summarize the imaging features of HTLV-1–related neurologic disease, providing both a pictorial review and pooled series of the less well-recognized presentations. 35 cases of acute/subacute HAM and 12 cases of HTLV-1–related encephalopathy were found.