Nat Commun:识别出一种与致白血病病毒相关疾病的新型潜在药 …
本文研究结果表明,KDR在HTLV-1感染细胞存活中所扮演的角色或许与Tax病毒蛋白有关,Tax对于病毒基因表达、病毒传播和癌症的发生至关重要,KDR的 ...
Molecular mechanisms of cellular transformation by HTLV-1 Tax
2005年9月5日 · Our current understanding is that Tax is the primary HTLV-1-encoded factor used by the virus to modulate cellular proliferation. During virus replication, the Tax protein is a transcriptional...
Human T-cell leukaemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) infectivity and
We discuss HTLV-1 infectivity and how the HTLV-1 Tax oncoprotein initiates transformation by creating a cellular environment favouring aneuploidy and clastogenic DNA damage.
Role of Tax protein in human T-cell leukemia virus type-I ...
2004年8月13日 · HTLV-1 is the etiological agent of adult T-cell leukemia (ATL), the neurological syndrome TSP/HAM and certain other clinical disorders. The viral Tax protein is considered to play a central role in the process leading to ATL. Tax modulates the expression of many viral and cellular genes through the CREB/ATF-, SRF- and NF-κB-associated pathways.
该工作利用 单细胞转录组 和 TCR 测序 等技术,证明了人类I型 T 细胞白血病病毒(HTLV-1)可激活 naive T 细胞转化为成人 T 细胞白血病(ATL)细胞,HTLV-1 感染的细胞上调了 HLA II 类分子表达并作为耐受性抗原提呈细胞诱导抗原特异性 T 细胞无能,从单细胞水平揭示了人类I型 T 细胞白血病病毒(HTLV-1)介导的转化和 免疫逃逸 机制。 研究背景. 人类I型 T 细胞白血病病毒(HTLV-1)是第一个被报道的人类 逆转录病毒,感染了全世界至少500万至1000万人。 HTLV …
Mechanisms of Oncogenesis by HTLV-1 Tax - PubMed
2020年7月7日 · The HTLV-1 Tax oncoprotein interacts with a plethora of host cellular proteins to regulate viral gene expression and also promote the aberrant activation of signaling pathways such as NF-κB to drive clonal proliferation and survival of T cells bearing the HTLV-1 provirus. Tax undergoes various post-translational modifications such as ...
HTLV Tax: a fascinating multifunctional co-regulator of viral and ...
2012年11月29日 · A primary function of HTLV-1 Tax-1 is to inactivate the cellular p53 tumor suppressor in order to establish immortalization and transformation of T-cells. Consequently, high levels of cellular inactive, wild type p53 is found in Tax-transfected, HTLV-1 cell lines, as well as primary cells isolated from ATL patients.
Highlights on distinctive structural and functional properties of HTLV …
2013年9月9日 · HTLV-1 Tax (Tax-1) is necessary and sufficient for T cell immortalization (Akagi et al., 1995) and an ATL-like syndrome has been observed in transgenic mice expressing Tax in the T cell compartment (Ohsugi, 2013). It is noteworthy to mention that in ATL patients, Tax expression is silenced in about 50% of the patients.
HTLV tax: a fascinating multifunctional co-regulator of viral …
2012年11月30日 · The virus infects between 15 and 20 million people worldwide of which approximately 2-5% develop ATL. The past 35 years of research have yielded significant insight into the pathogenesis of HTLV-1, including the molecular characterization of Tax, the viral transactivator, and oncoprotein.
The HTLV-1 Tax protein: revealing mechanisms of transcriptional ...
The human T-cell leukemia virus, type-1 (HTLV-1)-encoded Tax protein is required for high-level transcription of the virus. Tax function is strictly dependent upon the phosphorylated form of the cellular transcription factor CREB (pCREB), and together they bind novel cAMP response elements located w …
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