Hatamoto-Kaeru HTM-35K - mordel.net
BattleMech Technical Readout Name/Model: Hatamoto-Kaeru HTM-35K Designer: Catalyst Game Labs Source(s): Record Sheets: Prototypes Technology: Inner Sphere Technology Rating: E Tonnage: 80 Role: Brawler Configuration: Biped BattleMech Era/Year: Jihad / 3076 Rules (Current): Advanced Rules (Era): Experimental Rules (Year): Experimental Total Cost ...
Hatamoto-Kaeru HTM-35K - Master Unit List
Hatamoto-Kaeru HTM-35K Featured in Technical Readout: Prototypes. Tonnage 80 Battle Value 1,906 Cost 19,394,040 Rules Level Advanced Technology Inner Sphere Unit Type BattleMech Unit Role Brawler Date Introduced 3076 Era Jihad (3068 - 3080) Notes . Customize Expand. Other Models. Name BV PV Rules TRO Era; Hatamoto-Chi HTM-26T: 1,536: 38 ...
MegaMek Unit Digest - Hatamoto-Kaeru HTM-35K
Hatamoto HTM-35K . Other Hatamoto variants. Hatamoto-Kaeru HTM-35K . Role: Brawler Tech Base: Inner Sphere (3076) Chassis: 80 tons (Composite) Movement: 4 / 6, XL Underwater: 4 Armor: 247 (Ferro Fibrous) Heat Sinks: 10 (20) Weapons: Snub-Nose PPC × 2
Mechs/HTM-35K aka HATAMOTO-KAERU - Official Roguetech Wiki
This refit for land combat of the production version of the HTM-35X is nearly identical to that experimental version. The armor, structure, and equipment all remain the same. In fact the only change is the relocation of some of the ammunition.
MegaMek Unit Digest - Hatamoto
Hatamoto-Kaeru HTM-35K . Role: Brawler ; Tech Base: Inner Sphere (3076) Chassis: 80 tons (Composite) Movement: 4 / 6, XL ; Underwater: 4 ; Armor: 247 (Ferro Fibrous) Heat Sinks: 10 (20) Weapons: Snub-Nose PPC × 2 ; LRM 15 × 2 (ammo: 16) Medium Laser × 5 ; SRT 4 × 2 (ammo: 25) Equipment: MASS ; Design Quirks: Multi-Trac ; Difficult to ...
{"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"units/hatamoto-kaeru":{"items":[{"name":"hatamoto-kaeru_htm-35k.htm","path":"units/hatamoto-kaeru/hatamoto-kaeru ...
Hatamoto-Chi HTM-28T (Shin) - Master Unit List
Hatamoto-Kaeru HTM-35K: 1,906: 40: Advanced: TR:Proto: Product Info. Record Sheets: 3050 Upgrade Unabridged, Inner Sphere. Technical Readout: 3050 Upgrade. Faction Availability. Clan Invasion (3050 - 3061) Draconis Combine Unique Civil War (3062 - 3067) Draconis Combine
Hatamoto-Kaeru HTM-35X - Master Unit List
Hatamoto-Kaeru HTM-35X Featured in Experimental Technical Readout: Kurita. Tonnage 80 Battle Value 1,906 Cost 19,394,040 Rules Level Experimental Technology Inner Sphere Unit Type ... Hatamoto-Kaeru HTM-35K: 1,906: 40: Advanced: TR:Proto: Product Info. Experimental Technical Readout: Kurita. Faction Availability. Jihad (3068 - 3080) Draconis ...
Mechs/HTM-35X aka HATAMOTO-KAERU - Official Roguetech Wiki
A Jihad-era Experimental prototype variant that was made in an attempt to design a mass-produced Amphibious Assault 'Mech. Based on the HTM-27T, the original model has its Endo Steel internal structure swapped for a composite internal structure.
雷蛇推出巴塞利斯蛇 V3 35K 及专业版游戏鼠标:第三代光微 …
2024年10月1日 · 巴塞利斯蛇 V3 专业版 35K 支持 RAZER HYPERSPEED 无线、蓝牙和有线三模连接,支持更快数据传输与低点击延迟,在复杂无线环境中保持高性能竞技体验。 京东 雷蛇(Razer)巴塞利斯蛇 V3 35K 有线鼠标 599 元 直达链接 京东 雷蛇(Razer)巴塞利斯蛇 V3 专业版 黑色 1199 元 ...