javascript - Use if statement in React JSX - Stack Overflow
2017年9月11日 · This will only render JSX if a condition is true. If it is false, React won't render anything. Remember, you have to wrap inline JavaScript expressions in JSX with { … }, you can't just have it inside JSX. Using if/else statements directly in JSX will cause it to be rendered literally as text, which isn't desired.
reactjs - How to convert HTML to JSX (React.js) - Stack Overflow
2020年7月23日 · When converting HTML to JSX there are five steps you need to apply: All prop names follow camelCase; Number attributes use curly braces; Boolean 'true' can be written with just the property name. 'False' should be written with curly braces; The 'class' attribute is written as 'className' In-line styles are provided as objects
Insert HTML with React Variable Statements (JSX) [duplicate]
By using '' the sets the value to a string and React has no way of knowing that it is a HTML element. You can do the following to let React know it is a HTML element - Remove the '' and it would work; Use <Fragment> to return a HTML element.
javascript - Loop inside React JSX - Stack Overflow
2014年4月5日 · When creating html select element, this similar technique was the one that came to my mind firstly, So I used it, although I use the forEach() method. But when I reread the React doc on topics of Lists and Keys, I found that they use the …
JSX or HTML autocompletion in Visual Studio Code
Auto closing tags in .html, .js, and .jsx. Works out of the box. That is, after typing in the closing bracket to the opening tag, the closing tag will be inserted automatically. Emmet with basic HTML in .jsx files. Works out of the box. Emmet with basic HTML in .js files:
reactjs - How to refer JSX file to an HTML Page - Stack Overflow
2017年5月19日 · I have referred JSX file in HTML Page and the page is not displaying any content. HTML (Index.html)
Best practice when adding whitespace in JSX - Stack Overflow
2016年10月26日 · You're confusing template literals with JSX expressions. To add a space via JSX, simply put a string consisting of one space character in a JSX expression. The simplest way to do that is {' '}. You don't need template literals for that, though they work (and so does {" "}). –
How do I render raw HTML with React? - Stack Overflow
People get way to bent out of shape regarding dangerousSetInnerHtml. While devs should understand how it potentially is a vector for XSS attacks, there are valid use cases where this is the reasonable pragmatic approach, particularly in cases where the html you are setting isn't formed from user input or is formed from sanitized user input.
ReactJS convert HTML string to JSX - Stack Overflow
Interweave is a react library to safely render HTML, filter attributes, autowrap text with matchers, render emoji characters, and much more. Interweave is a robust React library that can: Safely render HTML without using dangerouslySetInnerHTML. Safely strip HTML tags. Automatic XSS and injection protection. Clean HTML attributes using filters.
reactjs - How to use comments in React - Stack Overflow
Which stinks, because the {/* JSX comment*/} comment breaks, eg, trying to insert a block comment that completely wraps a JSX section with the /* */ construction. Why would I block comment out a JSX block? Maybe to temporarily have another return while testing.