Teleport Exception: HTTP 400 - Engine Bugs - Developer Forum
2015年12月22日 · Error: HTTP 400 (HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request). Elapsed time: 0.0680943 23:14:01.751 - Teleport exception: HTTP 400 (HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request) After showing this message a few times, I get the red bar message ‘This …
How to fix 502: API Services rejected request with error. HTTP 400 …
2021年3月18日 · HTTP 400 (Bad Request) " when someone has over 10^40 coins (or basically any currency) What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible! Here is the script local DTS = game:GetService("DataStoreService") local Lb = DTS:GetOrderedDataStore("Lb1") local DataStore = DTS:GetDataStore("DataStore3") local...
Trying to Import and getting error HTTP StatusCode: 400
2024年12月8日 · Trying to Import and getting error HTTP StatusCode: 400 ... Loading ...
HttpService error: HTTP 400 (Bad Request) - Roblox
2020年3月26日 · Hello, I was working at a Roblox studio like game, and I work at a system where users can create “plugins”. I send the script, when it was created and more to Discord. But, it always errors this: HTTP 400 (Bad Request). the script: function PluginsModule.UploadPluginRewiew(Creator,Name,Script) local CreationDate = …
HTTP 400 (Bad request) - Scripting Support - Developer Forum
2021年1月31日 · Heya! I keep getting a problem when i try to send a message to Discord through a webhook. Here’s the code : Report.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player,Reason,Type,Text) local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpServi…
HTTP 400 (Bad Request) - Scripting Support - Developer Forum
2021年11月25日 · With this script… local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService") local Players = game:GetService("Players") local Webhook = "link" local Timeout = 5 local CanUse = true local Remote = script.Parent.Text Remote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player,Text) if not CanUse then return end if Text == "" then return end CanUse = false local PlayerImage = …
Https Error 400 (bad request) [need help!] - Scripting Support
2024年6月3日 · so i was trying out some code with a webhook but i couldnt get farther then this… someone please help! local d = { ['embeds'] = {{ ['title'] = " ...
Error http 400 (badrequest) - Scripting Support - Developer Forum …
2022年3月20日 · You could in theory create a seperate place under that game and teleport there. I replied to a thread about this recently and went more in depth, you can read it here: HTTP 403 (Forbidden) - #8 by acazen. Your use case here is you want to teleport to a previously existing private server if I’m understanding you correctly.
Discord Webhook Error 400 - Scripting Support - Developer …
2022年9月12日 · A HTTP 400 request means it’s a bad request. It’s very likely caused due to Discord blocking requests from Roblox servers. I would recommend using a proxy to bypass this ban (or use some other system).
"MarketplaceService:getProductInfo()" failed because HTTP 400 …
2023年7月12日 · I would say it’s because when you definte ‘rnger’ you are using a maximum value of 3000000000, and no placeIds go anywhere near 3000000000.
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