HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost
HuffPost turns 20 this year, and our mission is clearer than ever: We won't back down when it comes to providing free and impartial journalism. The next four years will reshape America as …
hfd 是本站开发的 huggingface 专用下载工具,基于成熟工具 aria2,可以做到稳定高速下载不断线。 1. 下载hfd. 2. 设置环境变量Linux. 非侵入式,能解决大部分情况。 huggingface 工具链会获取 HF_ENDPOINT 环境变量来确定下载文件所用的网址,所以可以使用通过设置变量来解决。 不过有些数据集有内置的下载脚本,那就需要手动改一下脚本内的地址来实现了。 Q: 有些项目需要登录,如何下载? A:部分 Gated Repo 需登录申请许可。 为保障账号安全,本站不支持登录, …
HFS局域网分享文件的神器(附下载链接) - alittlemc - 博客园
2022年10月18日 · HTTP File Server. HTTP File Server是一款免费,开源的http文件共享服务器。以下简化为HFS。 软件官网:HFS ~ HTTP File Server (rejetto.com) 软件基于HTTP协议实现,所以只要在需要提供文件共享服务的Windows电脑运行程序,其他客户端使用自带的浏览器就可以很 …
HFS: HTTP File Server (version 3) - GitHub
Access via web your files directly from your disk. You be the server, share files fresh from your disk, with unlimited space and bandwidth. Fast! Try zipping 100GB, download starts immediately! Intelligent. HFS tries to detect problems and suggest solutions.
HFS ~ HTTP File Server
Share even a single file with our virtual file system, even with a different name, all without touching the real file. Present things the way you want! Watch all activities in real-time. Control …
HTTP File Server (HFS) - 傻瓜式架设个人文件下载共享网站 (文件 …
2007年10月7日 · 今天介绍的HTTP File Server(HFS)将为带您步入轻松文件共享的新生活!你可以在个人电脑上使用,也可以在公网服务器上使用,建立一个 “文件分享网盘”。 HTTP File Server 是一款专为个人用户设计的 HTTP 文件共享绿色软件。这个软件提供了完善的网络传输功能 ...
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow - ScienceDirect
The International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow publishes high impact research exploring the underlying physics or fundamental mechanisms governing fluid dynamic processes or/and heat transfer processes. The Journal seeks to publish novel contributions presenting original experimental or …
HFS: HTTP File Server | hfs
HFS is the best way via web to access or share files from your disk. It’s a server software, share files fresh from your disk. Don’t rely on services, be independent! It’s all very fast. Try download zipping 100GB, it starts immediately! Easy to use. HFS tries to …
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow
The International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow (HFF) publishes peer-reviewed papers that explain how fundamental insights are gained in heat and fluid flow physics using computational methods supported by analytical and experimental research.
宏福實業集團,自創立以來,在鞋類製造業領域已經取得了令人矚目的成績。 隨著業務逐年不斷增長,除了強化製鞋核心技術,持續改善生產製造過程,以及製造差異及提供優勢服務的同時,更肩負保障社區及員工利益,有效利用地球資源的責任,以增進企業與員工、企業與環境的平衡和諧。 歷經多年來一步一步穩健的投資與發展,集團以前瞻性的眼光將生產製造工廠佈署擴展亞洲及中南美洲,分佈於越南、多明尼加…等國家及地區,加上訓練有素、熱誠敬業的員工,結合最先進 …