HTC VIVE - VR, AR, and MR Headsets, Glasses, Experiences
Explore virtual, augmented, and mixed reality with HTC VIVE's immersive standalone and PC VR headsets, glasses, accessories, games, and metaverse portal, VIVERSE.
HTC VIVE Standalone and PC VR Headsets, VR Glasses, AR, and MR
Discover the best VR headsets and glasses from VIVE. Enjoy immersive experiences like never before with virtual and mixed reality. The VIVE Focus series offers standalone and PC VR experiences. Harness the power of virtual reality with high-resolution displays, versatile tracking features, and immersive applications.
HTC Vive官网
全新的PC VR 体验。 立即购买,还可获赠3款VR游戏。 *适用条款和条件。 更精彩。 立即购买VIVE XR 精英套装,获赠VIVE XR 系列畅享包。 内含4款VR配件! *适用条款和条件。 …
HTC Vive快速上手指南:教你分分钟搞定大神级VR头盔 - 知乎
首先我们需要去HTC官网下载一个Vive程序安装,里面包括包括 Vive Port 应用商店PC客户端、Vive 虚拟现实 主页和 SteamVR。 下载安装完毕后我们先来介绍Viveport的注册流程。 第一次打开Vive就会跳出登入页面,我们选择下方的注册,当然玩家们也可以选择QQ或者微博登录。 第二步填写相关信息邮箱、密码等资料,最后点击“创建账户” 第三步创建账户之后会跳出验证邮箱的界面,这时候我们需要去注册的邮箱里验证信息。 第四步在注册邮箱中打开收到的邮件,点击“验 …
HTC Vive - Wikipedia
HTC Vive is a line of virtual and mixed reality headsets produced by HTC Corporation. The brand currently encompasses headsets designed for use with personal computers as well as standalone headsets such as the Vive Focus line, Vive Flow glasses, and …
HTC Vive - 百度百科
HTC Vive [1] 是由 HTC 与 Valve 联合开发的一款 VR头显 (虚拟现实 头戴式显示器)产品,于2015年3月在MWC2015上发布。 [1] 由于有Valve的SteamVR提供的 技术 支持, [1] 因此在 Steam 平台上已经可以体验利用Vive功能的 虚拟现实 游戏。 [1-2] 2016年6月,HTC推出了面向企业用户的Vive 虚拟现实头盔 套装—Vive BE(即商业版),其中包括专门的客户支持服务。 [3] 2016年11月,HTC Vive头戴式设备荣登 2016中国泛娱乐指数盛典 “中国VR产品关注度榜top10”。 [4]
Amazon.com: Htc Vive
HTC Vive Focus Vision — Mixed Reality and PC VR Headset + Controllers — Consumer Edition
HTC America Vive Virtual Reality System - amazon.com
VIVE VIDEO - An immersive, cinematic VR video player for standard, 3D, 180 and 360 degree videos. Available free on VIVEPORT and Steam. VIVEPORT INFINITY – Get 2 months of unlimited VR play of 700+ games & apps. Code included in box. This product is available as Renewed. 2 Lithium Polymer batteries required.
HTC VIVE - YouTube
VIVE creates fully immersive, premium virtual reality products for everyone with breathtaking graphics and lifelike sounds. Work, play, learn, and experience the world in ways you never thought...
通过VIVE操控手柄和头戴式设备的 360˚精确追踪技术、超逼真画质、立体声音效和触觉反馈系统,在虚拟世界里为你打造出超乎你想象的真实体验! 您可以坐在房间,转瞬移动到无尽的虚拟世界,或是规划专属的VR游玩区域,在其中自由走动。 SteamVR™追踪技术提供非凡的体验,无论是坐着、站着,或是空间规模(ROOM-SCALE)的移动体验,都让您随心所欲地自由发挥! *追踪范围约为3.5米 x 3.5米。 乐享VR游戏和应用,您可以在这里找到国内外精彩的VR内容,更可以 …
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