A complete config for FFXIV with a clean informational HUD …
It is very time consuming to figure out a good hud layout and then position all the hud elements and after that is done come up with good keybinds for your jobs, and if possible, keybinds that …
HUD Layout tips? : r/ffxiv - Reddit
2023年10月24日 · Layout. Minimal. I put everything in the middle and then switch to a minimal layout outside of higher end content that hides most of the UI. The hotbars to the left are …
2020年3月17日 · My other HUD puts the enemy list and party list nearer to each other on the left while shuffling abilities further to the right, with the most important to track being leftmost …
Examples of good HUD layouts? : r/ffxiv - Reddit
2021年8月28日 · So, to wrap up. I'm a tank, mainly paladin. Need a HUD layout that helps me keep track of things and am having trouble finding examples. I appreciate any help! Edit: Here …
Building your HUD to be efficient. : r/ffxiv - Reddit
2019年8月22日 · HUD layout One of the most important things in FFXIV is setting up a HUD that works for you, and I think I've created something highly efficient over my course of play. This …
How does your HUD layout look? Please share! : r/ffxiv - Reddit
I'm on the lookout for some inspiration to spruce up my HUD layout! Just got myself a new laptop with a 15.6-inch screen, and things got a bit chaotic, especially during Alliance Raids. Any tips …
Can I copy my HUD layout to another character? : r/ffxiv - Reddit
2013年10月14日 · As Zoxor said you can copy the layout from your other character in the Documents\My Games\FFXIV\ folder and paste them into the new character folder that you …
WHM HUD Layouts/Tips : r/ffxiv - Reddit
2023年9月26日 · In the HUD layout screenshot, you can see i have my party list in the center for easy clicking, as well as the enemy HP bar so i can watch for casts. My Lily is right there so i …
Let’s see your HUD/UI! : r/ffxiv - Reddit
2019年5月28日 · /hud mmap /map toggles the map on and off. /hud is a general command for manipulating the hud, mmap is the subcommand that you want the minimap. /hud mmap …
GeForce Experience: Broadcasting Tutorial | GeForce - NVIDIA
On the HUD layout page, click on a quadrant in the 2x2 Position grid to move your webcam to any corner of the screen or to turn it off. You can also set the size of your webcam: You can also …