HK America, Inc
Tube Laser 2024 Company Introduction | News | Sitemap 1296 Humbracht Circle, Bartlett, IL 60103 USA | 630-916-0200 | Fax: 630-916-0300 | E-mail: [email protected]
湖南大科激光有限公司是一家专业制造高端光纤激光器的高新技术企业,公司创始人郭少锋及核心团队成员曾在国防科技大学从事科研工作二十余年。 公司在高亮度单模/准单模光纤激光器技术研发上具备突出的优势,开发的中高功率激光器突破高反有色金属材料加工难点,实现抗高反、高亮度、高节能三高性能。
Cobolt Lasers - HÜBNER Photonics
Through the well-known Swedish laser manufacturer Cobolt AB, a proven supplier of high performance lasers of more than 20 years, HÜBNER Photonics division offers one of the industry’s broadest ranges of compact single-frequency CW lasers, diode lasers, multi-line lasers and Q-switched lasers across the full UV-Visible-NIR spectrum.
4K Smart Laser TV - 90L5HTUKD - Hisense
Type: 4K Smart Laser TV. Resolution max.: 4K Ultra HD 3840x2160. Dolby Atmos. User interface: VIDAA U6. Series: 90L5H
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大族激光致力于智能制造装备及其关键器件的研发、生产和销售,具备从基础器件、整机设备到工艺解决方案的垂直一体化能力,是全球领先的智能制造装备整体解决方案服务商。 专业提供激光、机器人及自动化智能制造解决方案,产品覆盖激光打标机,激光切割机,激光焊接机,激光器,运动平台,专用设备,光纤及泵浦源等多个领域。 服务热线:400-666-4000。
Hulaser is a specialized company for dental diode laser that only conducts research and development of dental diode laser since 2002. Hulaser has the longest history and professionalism in this category all over the world.
Soft button technique enables smooth launch or cessation of laser irradiation and minimizes tiredness of fingers even after a long irradiation. It offers lightness of 92g and ergonomic grip when the battery is attached. it was designed to create few or no fatigue on wrists or arms of a user after a long time use.
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Dr. Martens 1460 Boots 🥾🔥 Step into iconic style with the Dr. Martens 1460 —the original 8-eye boot that has been a cultural staple since April 1st, 1960 . Originally designed as a d… It's coming back from tomorrow (Tuesday 25th March), upping from the current 20% promo to the 30%.
He-Cd Laser | Kimmon Koha Co., Ltd.
KIMMON KOHA CO., LTD. began manufacturing He-Cd lasers in 1971. Since then over 46,000 systems have been installed worldwide, making KIMMON KOHA not only the oldest but the largest He-Cd laser manufacturer in the world. We offer three types of products: 325nm, 442nm, and dual wavelength lasers.