The Hitachi Unified Storage VM release notes provide information about the HUS VM microcode (DKCMAIN and SVP), including new features and functions and changes.
• The Hitachi Unified Storage VM storage system and the Hitachi Unified Storage VM Block Module Hardware User Guide . • The Storage Navigator software for the Hitachi Unified …
Hardware architecture This chapter briefly describes the Hitachi Unified Storage VM system architecture, including some of the functional and operational characteristics. System …
配置 HDS Hitachi Unified Storage VM 系统
您可以将 Hitachi Data Systems (HDS) Hitachi Unified Storage (HUS) VM 存储系统 配置为连接到 系统 。 Hitachi HUS VM 受支持的型号、固件级别和并发维护 支持将 Hitachi HUS VM 存储系 …
Hitachi Unified Storage VM (HUS VM) storage system. Please read this document carefully to understand how to use this product, and maintain a copy for reference.
HUS VM 150安装与配置详解:从准备到许可证管理 - CSDN文库
HUS 150是一款由HDS生产的高端存储解决方案,HDS HUS VM 150安装配置手册详细介绍了如何在实际操作中对这款设备进行安装、配置和维护。 以下是关键知识点的概要: 1. **硬件概 …
Hitachi Unified Storage VM storage virtual-ization system is designed for organizations that need to manage their storage assets more efficiently. Existing storage from multiple vendors can …
Hitachi Unified Storage VM Product Overview Manual
Hitachi Unified Storage VM is based on a new block storage system powered by a storage virtualization controller connected to the data drives and the host servers. Its dual node, …
HUSVM磁盘阵列设备产品说明 - 百度文库
HUS VM采用业内领先的Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform企业级存储虚拟化技术,提高了所有存储资产的迁移简便性、系统利用率以及可回收空间。 利用集中控制终端,这种存储虚拟化系统 …
2-HUS-VM磁盘阵列产品说明-v3.2 - 百度文库
HUS VM采用业内领先的Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform企业级存储虚拟化技术,提高了所有存储资产的迁移简便性、系统利用率以及可回收空间。 利用集中控制终端,这种存储虚拟化系统 …