BNC HT / MHV High Voltage Connector - Radiall
BNC HT / MHV miniature high voltage connectors are designed to allow signal transmission with high voltage ratings without safety risk for operators. Learn more here.
High Voltage/BNC HT/MHV INTRODUCTION This catalog features 4 series of high voltage coaxial connectors - all able to withstand continuous voltage up to 20 000 V By redesigning …
BNC接头有哪几种类型?用途有什么区别? - 知乎
BNC连接器是常见 射频连接器 之一,是一种小型的可以实现快速连接的卡口式连接器。 BNC接头支持的信号频率范围4-4GHz, 特性阻抗有2种:50欧姆、75欧姆。 BNC连接器广泛用于:无线 …
BNC-HV-R TYCLON | Connectors, Interconnects | DigiKey …
BNC-HV-R – BNC Connector Jack, Female Socket Panel Mount Solder Cup from TYCLON. Pricing and Availability on millions of electronic components from Digi-Key Electronics.
High voltage connector types - RBD TechSpot
There are primarily five different high voltage connectors that are used on surface analysis systems. This post will explain the differences between them and provide information on how …
BNC-HV-R│高周波同軸コネクターの製造・販売 株式会社トーコネ
特性インピーダンスの規定はなく、1.6kVまでの高電圧に対応するコネクタです。 バイオネットロック方式ですが、BNC型やSHVコネクタとの互換性はありません。 全角:BNC-HV-R. …
BNC.HT plug, BNC.HT socket, BNC.HT connector - Koax24
BNC.HT connectors are based on the design of BNC connectors, but have protruding insulators, which provides some protection against contact with live conductors in the uncoupled state. …
射频同轴连接器-BNC HT/MHV卡口连接器-上海雷迪埃电子有限公司
射频同轴连接器BNC HT/MHV是微型卡口高压连接器,工作频率范围为 DC-2 GHz。 50 欧姆/部件系列 R316. 雷迪埃 BNC HT 连接器与 MHV 完全兼容。 一对配对的连接器的额定电压为 …
2024年12月4日 · 高压BNC连接器 (HV-BNC)和 高功率BNC连接器. 这两种是BNC连接器的变体,能够满足高电压和高功率的应用需求。 它们可以安装在适当的高压和高功率同轴电缆上, …
High Voltage BNC Connectors | Products & Suppliers - GlobalSpec
Find High Voltage BNC Connectors related suppliers, manufacturers, products and specifications on GlobalSpec - a trusted source of High Voltage BNC Connectors information.