Croatian Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia - Wikipedia
Flag of the Croatian Defence Council (HVO) Police of the Croatian Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia The Croatian Defence Council (Croatian: Hrvatsko vijeće obrane, HVO) was formed on 8 April 1992 and was the official military of Herzeg-Bosnia, although the organization and arming of Bosnian Croat military forces began in late 1991.
Croatian Defence Council - Wikipedia
The Croatian Defence Council (Croatian: Hrvatsko vijeće obrane, HVO) was the official military formation of the Croatian Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia, an unrecognized state that existed in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina between 1991 and 1996. The HVO was the main military force of the Croats of Bosnia and Herzegovina. [citation needed]
Hrvatsko vijeće obrane – Wikipedija
Hrvatsko vijeće obrane (skr. HVO), bilo je oružana snaga i najviše izvršno i upravno tijelo Hrvatske Republike Herceg-Bosne te glavna oružana snaga Hrvata u Bosni i Hercegovini za vrijeme rata u Bosni i Hercegovini. Osnovano je 8. travnja 1992. …
HVO, MILITARY FLAG, 108 Brigada HVO-Ravne Brčko - eBay
2023年11月25日 · Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for CROATIAN DEFENSE COUNCIL - HVO, MILITARY FLAG, 108 Brigada HVO-Ravne Brčko at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
Hrvatske obrambene snage – Wikipedija
Hrvatske obrambene snage (kratica HOS, ponekad zvane i Hrvatske oružane snage), [1] bivše dragovoljačke [2] paravojne postrojbe i stranačko vojno krilo Hrvatske stranke prava (HSP) u razdoblju od 1991. do 1993.
Croatian Defence Forces - Wikipedia
The HOS had a black flag with its emblem in the centre: a circle of triple wattle containing a chequered shield (with white first square) over a four-sided blue-and-white triple-wattle symbol; above, the inscription "HOS"; below, "HSP, Za dom spremni ", which was the Ustaše salute during WW2 in the Independent State of Croatia. [21]
Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosnia and Herzegovina) - CRW Flags
2014年3月1日 · The color of 1. HGZ VF was granted on the celebration of the 7th anniversary of HVO, held on 8 April 1999 in Mostar, by General Major Stank Sopta, former Commander of HVO (Velebit, No. 204, 15 April 1999). The flag is the Croatian tricolor with a checky shield over a cross forming a triple wattle ornament.or Stank Sopta, former commander of HVO.
Category : Croatian Defence Council - Wikimedia
2018年12月27日 · HVO russian 122mm Howitzer 2S1 tank captered from serbs.JPG 1,524 × 1,012; 523 KB
magFlags Large Flag Village Hvo??any in P?íbram District
magFlags Large Flag Village Hvo??any in P?íbram District | landscape flag | 1.35m² | 14.5sqft | 90x150cm | 3x5ft - 100% Made in Germany - long lasting outdoor flag
2023年7月3日 · Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for CROATIAN DEFENSE COUNCIL HVO,DEFENCE DISTRICTS BIHAĆ, VINTAGE FLAG ! at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!