High vaginal swab - Wikipedia
A high vaginal swab (HVS) is a medical procedure performed in obstetrics and gynaecology to test vaginal discharge for the presence of vaginal thrush, bacterial vaginosis and trichomonas vaginalis. [1] [2] [3] It is carried out in clean conditions, by a healthcare professional who uses a speculum to look at the cervix and vagina.
High Vaginal Swab (HVS) Culture and Sensitivity: Introduction
2023年8月3日 · High Vaginal Swab (HVS) Culture and Sensitivity is a diagnostic test used to identify and analyze the microorganisms present in the vaginal region. It is an important tool in gynecology and obstetrics to diagnose and manage various vaginal infections, such as bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections ( candidiasis ), and sexually transmitted ...
High Vaginal Swab Test: 6 Reasons Women need it
2022年10月6日 · The HVS test detects STDs such as HPV, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, and gonorrhea. A high vaginal swab test can also help detect the cause of abnormal vaginal bleeding in women who have never been diagnosed with any disease or infection.
高陰道拭子 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
高阴道拭子(英語: high vaginal swab ,簡稱:HVS)是醫院妇产科使用的一种从阴道获得分泌物样本的拭子,隨後相關人員會用显微镜來檢查和培养分泌物。 [1] [2] 它通常用于检测念珠菌和 阴道毛滴虫 ( 英语 : Trichomonas vaginalis ) 感染,以及细菌性阴道病。 [3]
HVS Test (High Vaginal Swab for STI/STDS) - labtestzote.com
The HVS test is indicated for women experiencing abnormal vaginal discharge, pain, or itching, and those who suspect they may have a sexually transmitted infection (STI). It can also be used during pregnancy and postpartum to check for infections.
高陰道拭子 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
高陰道拭子 (英語: high vaginal swab,簡稱:HVS)是醫院 婦產科 使用的一種從 陰道 獲得 分泌物 樣本的 拭子,隨後相關人員會用 顯微鏡 來檢查和 培養 分泌物。 [1] [2] 它通常用於檢測 念珠菌 和 陰道毛滴蟲 (英語:Trichomonas vaginalis) 感染,以及 細菌性陰道病。 [3] ^ Niger J Clin Pract. 2014 Mar-Apr;17 (2):154-8. doi: 10.4103/1119-3077.127424.
All you need to know about High Vaginal Swab (HVS)
2019年4月9日 · High Vaginal Swab (HVS) is a technique used in diagnostic medicine to obtain a sample of discharge from the vagina. This sample is then sent for microscopy, culture and sensitivity (MCS). As the vagina cleans itself, a clear vaginal discharge is normal or physiologic.
Vaginal Swabs - OSCE Guide | Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea - Geeky …
2024年3月28日 · High vaginal swab The high-vaginal Amies (charcoal) medium swab is used to detect infections, including bacterial vaginosis, trichomonas vaginalis, candida and Group B streptococcus. To take a high-vaginal swab :
Culture and antibiotic sensitivity testing (where indicated) using conventional methods. Results ready after 3 days. Labeling issue (unlabeled/ mislabeled); missing request form; incorrect preservative/ container; dry swabs. HVS collection can …
Routine examination of high vaginal swabs (HVS) includes microscopy for bacterial vaginosis (BV) and Trichomonas vaginalis (TV) and culture for Candida, Lancefield Groups A, C and G streptococci and Staphylococcus aureus. Self collected swabs are not suitable for diagnosis of gonococcal infection, in this instance an endocervical swab is required.