HVS Global Hospitality Services - Wikipedia
HVS is a consulting firm that specializes in providing services to the hospitality industry. As of 2020, HVS operated out of 47 offices located in North America, Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
HVS - Wikipedia
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HVS | Home
HVS is the only global consulting firm focused exclusively on the hospitality industry. We are comprehensive in our solutions but single-minded in our focus, helping you succeed in the complex hospitality arena.
Human visual system model - Wikipedia
A human visual system model (HVS model) is used by image processing, video processing and computer vision experts to deal with biological and psychological processes that are not yet fully understood.
高陰道拭子 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
高阴道拭子 (英語: high vaginal swab,簡稱:HVS)是醫院 妇产科 使用的一种从 阴道 获得 分泌物 样本的 拭子,隨後相關人員會用 显微镜 來檢查和 培养 分泌物。 [1] [2] 它通常用于检测 念珠菌 和 阴道毛滴虫 (英语:Trichomonas vaginalis) 感染,以及 细菌性阴道病 ...
HVS – Wikipedia
HVS steht für: Hamburgischer Verein Seefahrt Handball-Verband Saar Handball-Verband Sachsen Hans-Viessmann-Schule (Innerstädtische) Hauptverkehrsstraße, siehe Hauptstraße Hauptverwaltung Seepolizei Heeresversorgungsschule, Fachschule des österreichischen Bundesheeres Herpesvirus saimiri High-Volume-Sampler, ein Messgerät zur Erfassung von ...
Hvs - Wikipedia
HVS – codice aeroportuale IATA dell'aeroporto civile di Hartsville, Carolina del Sud (Stati Uniti)
High Voltage Software - Codex Gamicus
High Voltage Software (HVS) is an independent game development company located at Illinois' Hoffman Estates. Established in 1993, it now employs approximately 130 staff members. Red Eye Studios, a motion capture facility, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of HVS. [1]
HVS - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
HVS (countable and uncountable, plural HVSes) (astronomy) Initialism of hypervelocity star. Initialism of hyperventilation syndrome.
HSL和HSV色彩空间 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
HSV即 色相 、 飽和度 、 明度 (英語: Hue, Saturation, Value),又稱 HSB,其中B即英語: Brightness。 色相 (Hue)是色彩的基本屬性,就是平常所說的 顏色 名稱,如 紅色 、 黃色 等。 飽和度 (Saturation)是指色彩的純度,越高色彩越純,低則逐漸變灰,取0-100%的數值。 明度 (Value)、亮度(Lightness)、亮度(Brightness),取0-100%。 HSL和HSV二者都把顏色描述為在 圓柱坐標系 內的點,這個圓柱的中心軸底部為 黑色,頂部為 白色,而它們中間是 灰色 …