Olek 'hades' Miskiewicz's Counter-Strike Player Profile | HLTV.org
Olek Miskiewicz known as hades, is a 25 year old Counter-Strike player from Poland, currently playing for Monte.
9INE sign hades | HLTV.org
2023年1月13日 · 9INE have completed their 2023 roster with the signing of Polish AWPer Olek "hades" Miskiewicz. The news brings a conclusion to the 23-year-old's short stint as a free agent that started in December following his departure from ENCE.
hades CS2 Settings, Crosshair & Config - ProSettings.net
2000年1月1日 · Monte hades settings and setup, including CFG, crosshair, viewmodel, sensitivity and more. Always updated for CS2.
9INE NATION | HADES: “We still feel that we have the best …
Against partner teams OG, fnatic, and Liquid, 9INE have emerged with a 2-1 record to put themselves into the group stage; another sign of their progress. We spoke with star AWPer hades about his side's Vertigo, the advantages of having the same language and culture, and what ceiling 9INE might reach.
hades - Liquipedia Counter-Strike Wiki
Aleksander " hades " Miśkiewicz (born January 1, 2000) is a Polish professional Counter-Strike 2 player and a former Counter-Strike: Global Offensive player. He resides in the United Kingdom.
9INE team overview | HLTV.org
Get the complete overview of 9INE's current lineup, upcoming matches, recent results and much more
冥王再就业 hades加盟本土战队9ine_5EPlay - 5EPlay赛凡网
2023年1月13日 · 波兰战队9INE在其官方社交媒体账号上宣布,他们已经和本国选手hades达成加盟协议,后者将以正式选手的身份在2023 年代表队伍出赛。 Hades的职业生涯从Wisla Krakow开始,由于表现出色,他在2021年被ENCE战队招致麾下,并作为队伍的主力狙击手出战各大赛事。
【CS:GO】hades:不敢相信3-0晋级传奇组 非常激动和高兴!-3楼猫
2023年4月13日 · 在成功晋级巴黎Major之后,9INE狙击手hades接受了外媒采访。 本次巴黎Major 欧洲RMR赛事上,9INE成为又一支“爆冷”晋级的二线队伍。
重新起航 外媒爆料hades将加盟波兰队伍9ine_5EPlay - 5EPlay赛凡网
2023年1月3日 · 近日,根据波兰媒体爆料称,hades已经和该国的电竞俱乐部9ine达成加盟协议,不日就将官宣。 hades在2021年年中的时候加盟ENCE,初期表现颇为亮眼。 但是随着ENCE的世界排名逐渐提升提升,hades被认为是制约团队更近一步的瓶颈。
脱胎换骨!9INE的hades和ENCE的hades有什么不一样? - UUU9
9INE在首日就以16-14爆冷击败目前世界第一的G2,之后他们连克BIG和拥有TOP1选手ZywOo的Vitality,以3-0的成绩强势晋级传奇组。 其中,前ENCE狙击手冥王Olek Miskiewicz|hades功不可没。 冥王hades在刚开始加入ENCE的时候确实颇有TOP20选手风范,帮助队伍成功跻身世界排名 …