Icon of Seoul, Seoul Haechi | Seoul Metropolitan Government
Hechi is a symbolic mark that represents Seoul, developed to portray the historical tradition and unique cultural image of Seoul while giving hope and dreams to Seoul citizens. The dictionary …
Character form - Seoul Metropolitan Government
Haechi, the symbol of Seoul, is a re-interpretation of the imaginary creature Haechi that has been part of Seoul’s culture and history for six centuries. With a modern touch, it has been reborn as …
首尔介绍>首尔象征>HECHI卡通角色 -首尔市官方网站
卡通角色“HECHI”兼具敦厚与诙谐感,拥有圆润的脑袋、清澈的眼神、大鼻子和可爱的小尖牙。 翅膀与铃铛、额头祥云纹、身上的鳞片、小尖牙和大鼻子是HECHI的象征性特征,HECHI的代 …
Haechi - The Seoul Guide
2013年10月15日 · Haechi is the symbol of Seoul. Last Updated on Oct 15, 2013. TOP SIGHTS. Myeongdong Namdaemun Market Gyeongbokgung Palace Noryangjin Fish Market Jongmyo …
首爾介紹>首爾市象徵>吉祥物 - 首爾市官方網站
首爾市為開發象徵首爾的吉祥物,選出27種與首爾的歷史、文化、觀光等有關的象徵物,並請市民選出最符合首爾形象的角色。 其中,在象徵性以及實用度方面遠超其他角色的HECHI在2008 …
서울소개 - 서울특별시
서울의 상징 '해치' 캐릭터는 서울의 600년 문화역사와 함께한 상상의 동물 '해치'를 형상화한 것으로서 정의와 안전을 지켜주고 꿈과 희망, 행복을 가져다주는 해치의 전통적 의미와 맑고 매력 …
Seoul's "Haechi" gets a makeover - The Korea Herald
2024年2月4日 · Seoul Metropolitan Government recently unveiled the new design for its mascot Haechi, the character's first design change since its designation as the capital …
Haechi Symbol - Exploring Korea
Haechi is a mythological character from Chinese and Korean mythology. It resembles a lion but in-fact is a fire eating dog. Many statues can be found at palaces around Seoul. Haechi is said …
haechi-1 - Seoul Metropolitan Government
You can view a wealth of information about the city, including the main policies, history, culture, tourism, metropolitan experience, medical welfare, transportation, etc., along with an overall …
The Haechi reborn - Korea JoongAng Daily
2024年2月1日 · Seoul’s mascot, “Haechi,” got a makeover. The Seoul Metropolitan Government introduced an 8-meter-tall (26-feet) air-filled Haechi at Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP) in …