824 MSP 5e | Haeger Insertion Machine | Haeger USA
Get 8 tons (72 kN) of ram force, 24 inches of throat depth, and adjustable ram retract positioning with the Haeger ® 824 MSP 5e. This fully hydraulic machine delivers reliability and energy efficiency, as well as our patented safety system, tooling protection system, and batch counter.
824 OneTouch 5e | Haeger Insertion Machine | Haeger USA
824™ OneTouch™ 5e Programming is simpler and faster thanks to InsertionLogic ™ and it’s database of PEM hardware. Insertion Graphics ® allows for step by step operator instructions …
824 OneTouch 5e Lite | Haeger Insertion Machine | Haeger USA
The Haeger ® 824 OneTouch 5e LITE brings you all the advantages of the 824™ WindowTouch ® 5e with the productivity of the 824 OneTouch 5e. It features a second automatic upper station, which changes the upper tools and insertion stations automatically. Get fastener detection, plus stud and standoff length detection, on two stations.
824 MSP5e - Haeger® 824 MSP5e - PEM® Fastening Products
The 824 MSP5e is fully hydraulic, 8 ton of force, 24" throat depthand is powered either by 208, 220, 380, or 480 three phase. The options available are hand crank, auto feed, and Laser Light. The 824 MSP5e is best suited for mid to high volume parts with fasteners up to 0616 ( M10 ) in mild steel and 0516 ( M6 ) in stainless.
8 吨(71 千牛)冲 压力,24 英寸(610 毫米)喉深,全液压设备,可 靠节能。 配备Haeger专利安全系统。 荷载驻留时间可调,以用于加工高硬度材料。 回 程可调,可 在任何行程点施加工作压力。 正向限位系统提供油缸一个容易可调的方法精确地保持正确的压铆停止点。 本系统特别适用于改善软性基材压接的一致性,如 铝、玻璃纤维、印 刷电路板、塑 料及各种复合材料。 带数显功能的正向限位油缸曲柄总成可快速且精确地设置重复作业。 用于尺寸为 4-40(M2) 至1/4-20 (M6) 的螺母、螺柱 …
824 ONETOUCH-5E - Haeger® 824 OneTouch-5e - PEM® …
The 824 OT-5e is fully hydraulic, 8 ton of force, and 24" throat depth. The OT-5e is best suited for high volume parts with flanges or boxes under 3" and fasteners up to 0616 ( M10 ) in mild steel and 0516 ( M6 ) in stainless.
Insertion Presses: Haeger 824 One-Touch - Millennium Machinery
Haeger 824 One-Touch. The 824 OT-5e is fully hydraulic, 8 ton of force, 24" throat depth, 4 station upper and lower tool changer, four auto feed bowls, full quality control. No alignment quick change tooling and is powered either by 220, or 480 three phase.
HAEGER 824MSP 压铆机_哈格机械设备 (上海)有限公司
2016年7月15日 · 全新原装进口824MSP HAEGER智能压铆机的入门机型 带触摸屏质量保障包,防止错铆、漏铆; “单件处理”系统,拿起工件一次,便可压接4种不同类型的铆钉! 助力中国压铆生产力! - 8吨(72千牛)冲压力,24英寸(610毫米)喉深。
Haeger HP6 412 618 824 618Plus 824Plus 824WT 824 OT 824 WindowTouch 824 ...
8 tons (72kN) of ram force; 24 inch (610mm) throat depth. Fully hydraulic; PLC electrical controls. Equipped with Haeger's patented Safety System. Includes Positive Stop Cylinder and Dwell Timer. The 824 Plus includes a Positive Stop Cylinder.
Haeger® 824 OneTouch-5e - Hoidan
The 824 OT-5e is fully hydraulic, 8 ton of force, and 24" throat depth. The OT-5e is best suited for high volume parts with flanges or boxes under 3" and fasteners up to 0616 ( M10 ) in mild steel and 0516 ( M6 ) in stainless.