Hafgufa - Wikipedia
Hafgufa (Old Norse: haf "sea" + Old Norse: gufa "steam"; [2] [3] "sea-reek"; [a] [5] "sea-steamer" [6]) is a sea creature, purported to inhabit Iceland's waters (Greenland Sea) and southward toward Helluland. Although it was thought to be a sea monster, research suggests that the stories originated from a specialized feeding technique among ...
Terrifying sea monster 'hafgufa' described in medieval Norse ...
2023年2月28日 · Marine biologists, archaeologists and medieval literature and language experts teamed up to investigate the similarities between the behavior of the medieval monster, named "hafgufa" in Old Norse...
Hafgufa: The sea monster that bridged Norse legends and …
2023年9月11日 · The Hafgufa – whose name is believed to be Old Norse for something akin to "Sea Mist" - was said to be a giant sea creature that roamed the seas just off the coast of Iceland, what is now the Greenland Sea.
Hafgufa: The Mythical Sea Monster - Mythical Encyclopedia
The Hafgufa is a legendary sea monster that has been part of Norse mythology for centuries. It was believed to be a giant creature that could swallow entire ships and was feared by sailors. The name Hafgufa itself means “sea mist” in Old Norse, which is a reference to the creature’s ability to create a mist around itself.
北欧传说中的吞船海怪至今仍存活 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
hafgufa 最独特的特征,除了它的巨大体型之外,就是它自己进食的方式。 大多数描述都描述了这种生物首先张开它的大嘴,然后发出巨大的嗝,将一些半消化的鱼吐到水中。
一口吞噬魚群與船隻!中世紀北歐海怪「哈夫古法」真相曝光 - 蒐 …
2023年3月1日 · 《海洋哺乳動物科學》(Marine Mammal Science) 刊登了一篇最新研究,認為中世紀海怪「哈夫古法」(Hafgufa)的記錄可能是一種鯨魚的捕食手段,13世紀古挪威典籍《國王的鏡子》(Konungs skuggsjá)描述海怪「哈夫古法」,「牠覓食時吃,會從喉嚨裡打一個大大的嗝,隨之而來的是各種魚類,然後牠張大了嘴巴,不知不覺,魚群成群結隊地湧了進來,最後牠閉上嘴巴,從而捕捉並隱藏所有前來覓食的獵物。 科學家發現,這段描述與近10年來才發現 …
Medieval Sea Monster Was Likely a Whale, New Research Reveals
2023年3月2日 · Known as the Hafgufa in Norway, this huge sea monster has long been associated with a mythological monster known as the Kraken, and it was therefore dismissed as legend despite the testimony of medieval fishermen and sailors who’d claimed to have seen it.
Hafgufa: Did a Viking sea monster actually exist?
2023年5月14日 · A random post from Thailand on social media, showing a whale treading water with its mouth agape trapping a shoal of anchovies, went viral in 2021 – and reminded those familiar with the Norse sagas of a mythical sea creature: hafgufa. Perhaps something like …
Hafgufa | Monster Wiki | Fandom
Hafgufa is the name of a massive sea monster reported in the Örvar-Odds saga to have existed in the Greenland Sea. According to legend Hafgufa is described as a massive fish that looked more like an island than like a living thing. It was noted that Hafgufa was rarely seen, but always seen in...
巨大海怪「哈夫古法」一口吞噬船隻 科學家曝「這巧合」揭驚人真 …
2023年5月4日 · 古挪威典籍《王室寶鑑》(Konungs skuggsjá)中,曾提到冰島海域存在一種巨大海怪「哈夫古法」(Hafgufa),這種海怪會張嘴,遠看就像是一座島嶼,默默等待船隻或魚群經過還是進來,然後一口吞噬,讓生物沒有一絲生還機會。 然而,近日有科學家發現,所謂的「哈夫古法」可能不是海怪,而是這個現代海中霸主「陷阱捕食」的畫面。 中世紀手稿中,有對於海怪「哈夫古法」的描述。...