Tjalling Haije - Google Scholar
WJ Meijer, AC Kemmeren, JM van Bruggen, T Haije, JE Fransman, ... arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.17395, 2024. 2024: SAIL: A Social AI Layer for Connecting AI and Human Machine Teaming Innovations. T Haije, JS van der Waa, K Veltman. 2021: Learning Human Intention for Taskable Agents. T Haije.
W. Haije - Semantic Scholar
Semantic Scholar profile for W. Haije, with 47 highly influential citations and 75 scientific research papers.
haije - Telegram
haije invites you to join this group on Telegram.
嗨学网 - Haixue
理论基础扎实 一线经验丰富 教学成果突出 学员至上理念。
易来青空灯通过云云接入的方式接入海尔智家开放平台,用户可通过智家APP、小优音箱等终端控制该设备。 合作者遍布全球多领域,共同引领行业新趋势,打造极致的物联网体验。 基于一站式智能生活服务平台,以成本、效率、体验为基点,致力于满足消费者智能生活体验. 基于华为hilink平台,使用云云对接方案,融合大数据、物联网技术,实现衣食住娱全场景用户体验. 在AI语音方面深度合作,为开发者提供更友好的语音服务,加速推动智慧家庭的普及.
Rody Haije (@rodyhaije) • Instagram photos and videos
10K Followers, 849 Following, 61 Posts - Rody Haije (@rodyhaije) on Instagram: " Persoonlijke Coach 🏠 Building our house 👑 ROWDY community 🔉 Podcast spreker over persoonlijke ontwikkeling"
THE BEST OF 2024 | HAIJE - YouTube
️МОЙ КОНФИГ В МОЕМ TELEGRAM - https://t.me/h9ijeq//🔥vk - vk.com/haijevk page - vk.com/h9ije//inst - https://instagram.com/h9ijoke?igshid ...
Haije. (@haije.reizen) • Instagram photos and videos
134 Followers, 119 Following, 54 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Haije. (@haije.reizen)
Beate Uma Haije - Independent Artist
Beate Uma Haije is an independent artist with a focus on fine arts. She creates sculptures, paintings, drawings, couture and sound, shown as part of her Art Universe.
【公式】HAIGE(ハイガー) オンラインショップ
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