haix scout测评:尺码建议及功能特点详解 - 百度贴吧
这款靴子系带系统非常优秀,分为两部分,中间有一个半环的扣分开,当环扣扣死后,前半部分会锁死,这个时候无论鞋帮系不系好,靴子都是合脚的,这个功能在需要给脚散热的时候可以用。 这个鞋带末端的快扣很好用,只需要拽着它往上提拉,然后把快扣往下滑,多余的鞋带塞进外侧的兜里即可。 我一般不会锁死中间的环扣,这样在穿脱时会导致脚卡在鞋帮处,但是坏处是鞋带两个部分末端都要拉一次。 总之穿脱只需要几秒,非常方便。 这款靴子有haix一惯的硬鞋帮和V底, …
所有品牌 | Anward.net安活 – Anward.Net
haix 黑色鞋油. 我們的黑色鞋油專為護理haix®鞋而配製。 使用有機矽的黑色靴鞋油,將靴子修整並恢復其原本的光澤。 定期塗擦黑色鞋油以保持較厚的牛皮皮革透氣度和防水度(蠟或石油的抛光會堵塞皮革,這會降低鞋的透氣... 我們的黑色鞋油專為護理haix®鞋而 ...
Home - HAIX Group EN
As an innovative and high-tech manufacturer HAIX meets the highest standards of functionality, quality and design whilst also providing good value for money. Our customers entrust us with their everyday safety, both during their work and leisure time and round the clock if needs be.
德国HAIX品牌大解析:值得买的除了军靴还有这些 - 哔哩哔哩
所有HAIX鞋都有GORE-TEX防水透气膜,防水性能优越,即使是在冰天雪地中,鞋子也不容易潮湿或者进水。 弹性双层PU中间鞋层,缓震效果好,加上防滑鞋底,稳定性和抓地力表现好。 自建欧洲工厂,品控好。 我最后入手了HAIX BLACK EAGLE Adventure2.2. 户外运动鞋,外形好看,容易搭配。 弹性鞋带,鞋舌有鞋带收纳袋,穿脱方便,走跑跳都不会掉鞋带。 穿的脚感还挺舒服的,尤其是当你走一天路下来,才能体会到这双鞋的好处。 有人看再发开箱文。 我在这家 …
Haix Nepal pro耐久测评+百利威950MCB穿着小体验 - 百度贴吧
Haix Nepal..之前发了一篇关于Haix靴子的测评贴,还被评上了精品,受宠若惊在经过了一段时间的穿着后,我对这个靴子性能基本上是了解透彻了,所以今天就来追更承诺吧友的耐久测评,
法军公发 Haix Nepal pro测评 - 百度贴吧
这个靴子绝对是Haix的水平,没得挑,世界级优秀。 但是这个两区鞋带系统的紧扣让我头疼,传统的钩扣绝对简单实易用。 其他部分我都满意,但是我以后可不买你这带双区鞋带系统的靴子了。
HAIX: Military - amazon.com
HAIX military boots provide slip-resistant traction & comfort, making them ideal for rucking. Shop for combat boots here.
Haix | Varuste.net 中文
As an innovative, high-tech functional shoe manufacturer, HAIX meets the highest demands all over the world in terms of functionality, quality and design at a good price/performance ratio.
Products - HAIX Group US
HAIX has a reputation as the world’s leading manufacturer of functional footwear for fire services, the police & armed forces, the forestry & hunting sectors, rescue services as well as workwear. Thanks to the myriad new products developed by the company and its patents the Bavaria-based global player sets the benchmark for others to follow ...
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Shop from one of the largest selections of public safety boots including ... fire boots, military boots, EMS boots, security boots & more from Haix. put your trust in HAIX?! Register for free today! Language