Bihar State Haj Committee - Bihar
Haj was made obligatory in the 9th year of Hijra. Bihar State Haj Committee, Haj Bhawan, 34-Ali Imam Path, Harding Road, Patna, Bihar-800001 +91-612-2203315; [email protected]
Bihar State Haj Committee - Bihar
Haj was made obligatory in the 9th year of Hijra. The Holy Prophet sent off 300 Muslims under the leadership of Hazrat Abubakr Siddique (may Allah be pleased with him) to Mecca so that they could perform Hajj. The following year, 10th Hijra, the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) announced a head of time he himself would perform Hajj that year.
Haj Bhawan Patna Official - YouTube
Haj bhawan coaching and guidance cell, Patna
Haj Committee of India
Haj Committee of India is a statutory body under the Ministry of Minority Affairs. It is set up under the provisions of Haj Committee Act, 2002… All aspects of the arrangements for the Haj Committee of India pilgrims in Saudi Arabia are coordinated by the Consulate General of India (CGI), Jeddah…
Haj Bhawan Coaching Transforms the Lives of Bihar’s Minority …
2024年9月23日 · NEW DELHI – The Haj Bhawan BPSC (Bihar Public Service Commission) Coaching in Patna has achieved remarkable success, with over 200 students now serving in various positions across the state. The coaching centre, which started as a modest effort, is set to expand further, with plans to connect minority students from different districts through ...
Haj Bhawan Coaching and Guidance Scheme 2024-25 Apply Now
2025年1月5日 · Haj Bhawan Coaching and Guidance Scheme 2024-25: अल्पसंख्यक कल्याण विभाग, बिहार सरकार द्वारा हज भवन, पटना में विभिन्न स्नातक स्तरीय प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं जैसे पुलिस सब इंस्पेक्टर (दरोगा), एसएससी (बिहार), एसएससी सीजीएल, रेलवे, बैंकिंग आदि के लिए निःशुल्क गैर-आवासीय कोचिंग एवं मार्गदर्शन कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया जा रहा है। इस योजना का …
HAJ BHAWAN COACHING & GUIDANCE CELL Haj Bhawan, 34-Ali Imam Path, Harding Road, Patna-800001. 0612-2203315 | 9097171909 | 7070810696 [email protected] www.biharstatehajcommittee.org 3 DELHI INDIA ISLAMIC CULTURAL CENTRE 87 - 88, Lodhi Road New Delhi - 110 003. +91 11 43535353 – 50 [email protected] www.iiccentre.com
Contact Us - Bihar State Shia Waqf Board
Haj Bhawan 2nd Floor, 34, Ali Imam Path, Harding Road, Patna - 800001 0612-2212345, 2215186, 2215188 [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected]
Get Admit Card - Bihar State Haj Committee - Bihar
Haj was made obligatory in the 9th year of Hijra. Bihar State Haj Committee, Haj Bhawan, 34-Ali Imam Path, Harding Road, Patna, Bihar-800001
101 Muslims clear BPSC; 50 coached by Haj Bhawan - Awaz The …
2021年6月8日 · The sustained efforts put by the Bihar Haj Bhavan into coaching Muslim aspirants for the State civil services in Bihar have born results. As the results for the 64 th Combined Civil Services were announced by the Bihar Public Service Commission on Sunday, 101 Muslim candidates had been declared successful.