Islamic Studies MCQs - Hajj MCQs - Sindhi Tutorials
Hajj MCQs page consists information for Hajj such as meaning of Hajj, A way of Hajj, Types of Hajj, Scarification of Animals During Hajj, Faraz in Hajj, Sunnah - Page 1
Top 1000 MCQs for Moavineen-e-Hujjaj / Nazims for Hajj …
Visitors arriving for Umrah or pilgrimage (Hajj) or for seasonal work are required to submit a certificate of vaccination with the quadrivalent (ACYW135) vaccine against meningitis issued no more than 3 years and no less than 10 days before arrival in Saudi Arabia.
Hajj MCQs - MCQtimes.com
Hajj It is a shorter and less expensive pilgrimage than Hajj, and it can be performed at any time of the year. Umrah involves Tawaf (circumambulation) of the Kaaba, Sa’i (walking) between Safa and Marwah, and shaving or trimming the hair.
Most Important HAJJ MCQS - Massmcqs.com
2020年10月12日 · Adam and Hazrat Hawa performed the first ever Hajj. Running b/w Safa & Marwa seven times is called Sayee. Most important step of Hajj after assuming Ahram is Wuquf. Waqoof-e-Arfah is the Rukn-e-Azam of Hajj; With the performance of Rami on the 10th Zil-Hajj, the most of the bindings of Hajj on the pilgrim are released.
Islamiat MCQs: Hajj - gktestpoint.com
Practice ISLAMIAT MCQs on Hajj for NTS, PMS, PPSC and FPSC exams. Learn key facts about Hajj and improve your knowledge about hajj.
HAJJ MCQs - TestPoint
Visitors arriving for Umrah or pilgrimage (Hajj) or for seasonal work are required to submit a certificate of vaccination with the quadrivalent (ACYW135) vaccine against meningitis issued no more than 3 years and no less than 10 days before arrival in Saudi Arabia.
Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca) (Islamic Study) MCQs
2024年7月2日 · What is Hajj in Islam? Answer: c) Pilgrimage to Mecca. 2. Hajj occurs during which month of the Islamic calendar? Answer: c) Dhul-Hijjah. 3. How many times is Hajj obligatory for Muslims who are physically and financially capable? Answer: a) Once in a lifetime. 4. What is the first ritual of Hajj? Answer: c) Ihram. 5.
Rituals Of Hajj MCQs Part I - 20 Important MCQs - Asked-On
2019年4月10日 · Take Online Test in All These MCQs at Islamiat MCQs Online Test. 1 Hajj starts on. 8th Zilhajj. 2 Which rituals Hujjaj performs on 8 th Zilhajj? Hujjaj move to Mina from Makkah. 3 What Hujjaj do in Mina? Pray their salah and stay there at night. 4 On 9 th Zilhajj, Hujjaj performs which rituals? After Fajar Salah moves to Arafat.
Hajj Basic MCQs | PDF | Hajj | Religious Faiths - Scribd
Hajj Basic MCQs provides a quiz on basic concepts related to Hajj. It includes 75 multiple choice questions testing knowledge about the rituals, locations, timing, and history of Hajj.
Hajj Pilgrimage MCQs with Answer - youthforpakistan.org
2024年8月1日 · Hajj Pilgrimage Online MCQs with Answers. What is the fifth pillar of Islam that involves a pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca? C) Hajj. During which Islamic month is Hajj obligatory? D) Dhul-Hijjah. How many times is Hajj obligatory for a Muslim who can afford it? A) Once in a lifetime.