HAL: Trailblazing Aerospace Innovation - Aeromag Asia
2024年10月8日 · HAL has supplied critical Structures, Tankages, and Integrated Stages, Satellite Bus structures for PSLV, GSLV-Mk II and LVM3. HAL is closely working with ISRO on the Gaganyaan Program and have supplied one set of hardware to ISRO for the unmanned mission.
HAL delivers biggest ever cryogenic propellant tank to ISRO
2020年11月30日 · HAL has delivered biggest-ever cryogenic propellant tank to ISRO, the Defence PSU said Monday; The C32-LH2 tank is a developmental cryogenic propellant tank of aluminium alloy designed for improving the payload capability of GSLV MK-III launching vehicle
India: HAL's new facility will manufacture cryogenic, semi-cryo
2022年9月26日 · HAL Aerospace Division manufactures liquid propellant tanks and launch vehicle structures for Indian rockets PSLV, GSLV MK-II, and GSLV Mk-III and also carries out stage integration for GSLV Mk-II. Cryogenic Engines are sophisticated machines that burn liquefied gases (supercooled into liquid form) as fuel and oxidizer.
地球同步卫星运载火箭 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2024年5月31日 · 印度军方发射一枚编号“f02”的gslv火箭,携带著实验用通讯卫星地球同步卫星四号c型通讯卫星,距离地面约70公里处出现箭体倾斜、连续翻转、空中爆炸,跌落在孟加拉湾。
HAL Delivers Heaviest Semi-Cryogenic Propellant Tank to ISRO
HAL has mastered the skills and technologies required for fabricating welded propellant tanks. Till date, its Aerospace Division has delivered 244 propellant tanks and 95 water tanks to ISRO for the space programmes of PSLV, GSLV Mk-II and GSLV Mk-III of diameter 2.1, 2.8 and 4 meters where the length of the tank varies from 2.5 meters to 8.0 ...
印度长三乙——浅谈印度航天GSLVmk1/2火箭发展 - 知乎
2020年7月10日 · GSLV (Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle),即地球同步卫星运载火箭,是印度航天 (ISRO)研制的专门用于发射同步卫星的火箭。 GSLV有mk.1,mk.2,mk.3多个型号,其中GSLV mk.3火箭构型与前两型无太大关联,本篇不予赘述。 同PSLV一样,GSLV也是由特定卫星为目标设计的的火箭。 PSLV的最初设计目标是把1吨的印度遥感卫星 (IRS)送入900kmSSO轨道,而GSLV的设计目标是把1.95吨的电视广播卫星G-SAT送入静止轨道。 最初的GSLVmk1型 …
GSLV-MkIII: HAL, Godrej build crucial components - Times of India
2017年6月6日 · BENGALURU: Defence PSU Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) and private firm Godrej Aerospace (GA) have built crucial components that went into the GSLV-MkIII, India’s heaviest rocket launched so ...
HAL Delivers Key Semi-Cryogenic Propellant Tank To ISRO
2021年10月7日 · Defence PSU Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) on Thursday said that the heaviest semi-cryogenic propellant tank (SC120- LOX) it has ever fabricated has been delivered to Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). “The semi cryo-liquid oxygen (LOX) tank – the first developmental welded hardware is a part of the SC120 stage intended for ...
HAL hands over 50th launch vehicle to ISRO - Defence Watch
2020年2月28日 · Bangalore: Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) handed over the 50th L-40 stage of Geo Synchronous Launch Vehicle (GSLV-MKII) to Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) at a programme recently. This L-40 stage is meant for GSLV MKII- F12 Flight planned by ISRO in August 2020.
HAL and Godrej played a key role in ISRO's launch of its heaviest ...
2017年6月6日 · State-run Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) and aerospace arm of Indian multinational Godrej and Boyce played a key role in building the country’s heaviest rocket and satellite launched on Monday by the Indian space agency.