Home - Archive ouverte HAL
The largest research organizations and the majority of French universities have chosen and support HAL, a public, sustainable and responsible infrastructure. HAL guarantees the long-term preservation of your publications.
HAL (open archive) - Wikipedia
HAL (short for Hyper Articles en Ligne) [2] is an open archive where authors can deposit scholarly documents from all academic fields. Documents in HAL are uploaded either by one of the authors with the consent of the others or by an authorized person on their behalf. [3]
Building Paper - HAL
HAL Building Paper is a breathable weather resistant membrane (WRB) made of high quality asphalt saturated kraft paper. It is designed to shed water and restrict moisture from penetrating, while allowing the passage of water vapour by diffusion through the membrane to the exterior.
Accueil - Archive ouverte HAL
HAL garantit la préservation à long terme de vos publications. Un ensemble de services (CV, portails institutionnels, collections, veille documentaire, APIs, identifiants) contribuent à leur valorisation.
About HAL - About HAL
HAL is a multidisciplinary open archive for the sharing of published and unpublished research. It is at the service of researchers in academic institutions, both public and private. In France, HAL is the national archive chosen by the scientific and academic community for the open dissemination of its research results.
手把手介绍如何在HAL上传论文:Submit a publication to HAL
2020年2月14日 · 本文详细介绍了如何将论文提交到HAL,一个欧洲的免费预印本平台。相较于arxiv,HAL更适合时间紧迫的作者,因为它通常在5小时内完成审核。此外,HAL对文件大小限制更宽松,对word文档更友好,并能自动提取metadata信息。
Principles - About HAL
HAL’s mission is to share and to archive scientific publications, of all disciplines, emanating from French or foreign research, public or private. Breaking with the enclosure of knowledge, HAL allows the free circulation of knowledge through rapid, transparent and complete dissemination of research results and open access to scientists as ...
HAL / papers - Michigan State University
Engelsma et al. TBIOM 2022 (TBIOM Best Student Paper Award 2023, Trustworthy Biometrics Special Issue)
Interoperability and data dissemination - About HAL
HAL uses many identifiers to facilitate interoperability. The DOI or other document identifiers make it possible to extract metadata during deposit, to link the deposit to the document available on another platform and/or to link the publication to research data archived in a repository.
Amazon.com: Hal Leonard Manuscript Paper
Hal Leonard Manuscript Paper - 10-Staff, 64 Perforated Pages, 8.5 x 11, 3-Hole Punched
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