Halaba - Wikipedia
Halaba is a zone in the Central Ethiopia Regional State. [1] It is named after the Halaba people, and covers part of their homeland.
Halaba people - Wikipedia
The Halaba people (or Alaba) are an ethnic group inhabiting the central Ethiopian highlands. [1] The Halaba claim to originate from the Arab cleric, Abadir who settled in Harar. [2] In the middle ages, Halaba were part of the Hadiya state. In the 1400s, their Garad (chief) was in conflict with the Abyssinian monarch Zara Yaqob. [3]
哈拉巴 - 百度百科
哈拉巴,印度河流域上古文明的城市遗址。 在今巴基斯坦 旁遮普省 境内。 其范围西起伊朗边境,东近德里,北及喜马拉雅山南麓,南临阿拉伯海,估计占地130万平方公里,呈巨大的三角形,可称世界上面积最广的青铜文化。 [1] 考古学家在此发现公元前3000-前2000年代的 青铜器文化 遗物,包括 火砖 建筑、下水道、工具、陶器、艺术品等。 有卫城。 还发现刻在印章上的文字符号,迄今尚未完成解读。 其文明昌盛期已经入奴隶制发展阶段,与同期埃及、两河流域水平相 …
Halaba Kulito, Sidama Region, Ethiopia - Mark Horner
🇪🇹 Halaba Kulito (also known as Kulito or Kuliito) is a town in southern Ethiopia. Located in the Halaba Zone of the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples Region (SNNPR), this town sits on the left bank of the Bilate River, with an elevation of 1,726 meters above sea level. Halaba Kulito is the administrative centre of the Halaba Zone.
哈拉巴板 - 百度百科
哈拉巴为满语halaba的音译,即猪肩胛骨,亦称“琵琶骨”。 其形如扇,杀猪时取出剔去筋肉洗净,系红绳、铜钱、小铃铛等,摇之叮当作响,以哄逗幼儿。 [1] 哈拉巴板,满族儿童玩具。 哈拉巴为满语halaba的音译,即猪肩胛骨,亦称“琵琶骨”。
The traditional administrative system of Halaba people - LinkedIn
2020年1月15日 · The people of Halaba, a small farming community that is situated in southern Ethiopia, a three hours drive from the capital Addis Ababa, have their own traditional administration system....
What does halaba mean? - Definitions.net
Halaba. Halaba is a zone in the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples' Region of Ethiopia. It is named after the Halaba people, and covers part of their homeland.
halaba - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
halaba. first / third-person singular imperfect indicative of halar; Spanish [edit] Verb [edit] halaba. first / third-person singular imperfect indicative of halar; Waray-Waray [edit] Alternative forms [edit] haglaba; hilaba; Etymology [edit] From ha-+ laba, akin …
Ethiopia: 'Sera' - Halaba Justice Finding Instrument
Halaba People has its own traditional administrative system known as "Sera" which means law, principle, rule and regulation and in the community all cultural issues and living conditions...
Alaba-K’abeena,Halaba,Wanbasana language dictionary
2023年2月20日 · Alaba-K’abeena also known as Halaba or Wanbasana is a language spoken in Ethiopia. We are on a mission to document and preserve all native languages in Africa and help many people learn these languages while at it. Join the movement by …