What are the rules about using 'half of' with plural nouns?
Half of all films are a waste of celluloid. Half of users surveyed said they preferred the old product. Half of the women here are your ex-girlfriends. Half of Americans are uninsured. Here are some sentences with 'half of' and plural nouns that don't feel well-formed to me: Half of people are women. Half of books are hardback. Half of dogs are ...
"Half" or "A Half" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Originally, I believe it was a half of a pizza but, depending on the variety of English spoken, or even maybe the region, people tend to drop the article. Personally, I say, I'll see you in a half an hour. With regard to the pizza, I'd say, I can usually only eat a half of a pizza. But I'd also say, I'm not really hungry so I'll just have half ...
etymology - Why “half past” and not “half to”? - English Language ...
2012年10月23日 · There is also a more direct risk of confusion. In British English, at least, half followed by an hour is used by some to mean half past [hour]. It's perhaps worth adding that in German, by contrast, half followed by an hour does mean 30 minutes before the hour named. Halb eins is not 'half past one', but 'half past twelve'. So there's no ...
halfway or half way? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2016年10月2日 · Hence, using half the way is unusual. halfway adjective, adverb in the middle of something, or at a place that is equally far from two other places: New York City is halfway between Boston and Washington, DC.
"One half" vs "a half" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2014年10月25日 · Why does "one half" have no hyphen, but "two-thirds" does? which clarifies this issue. Regarding "one half" vs "a half," either are acceptable. It would appear that "one half" is more formal, but "a half" is more popular, not surprisingly as …
meaning - The origin of the term half assed - English Language
2015年7月28日 · The “half-assed” part refers to having your pants not done up all the way yet, with half your ass showing. If you are in that state, you are likely to be unprepared for the day’s tasks and generally incompetent. So the admonition: Don’t go off half-assed. … reminds you to stop, prepare, then go off and do a task successfully.
Which is it: "1½ years old" or "1½ year old"? [duplicate]
2015年2月1日 · It would come much more naturally to a native speaker to say not "That man is a 50-year-old" [note also the hyphenation here] but "That is a 50-year-old man"; similarly, not "That kid is a one-and-a-half-year-old today" [a construction I have never heard anyone use when referring to half years as part of someone's age], but "That is a one-and-a-half-year-old kid" (omitting the 'today'), or ...
word choice - "Half an hour" versus "half hour" - English Language ...
2017年2月25日 · a half hour/mile etc You can’t just waltz in a half hour late. It’s about a half mile down the road. a half day excursion to the island; He demanded a half share of the money. Both items belong to entry of half with the meaning of "exactly or about 50% (½) of an amount, time, distance, number etc" The dictionary does not explain the ...
Meaning and interpretation of Bilbo's "half as well" quote
2016年2月29日 · More than half means many and less than half means some. And then the phrase "half as well" is "not as much" or "less than". Both statements are expressions of regret because he is leaving and he is "immensely fond" of them. "I don't know many of you as much as I'd like" - I wish I had time to know many of you better.
etymology - Origin of "Too Clever by Half" - English Language
2011年11月22日 · Too [something] by half. But the general phrase too [something] by half is much older. The earliest example I can find in Google Books of too [something] by half is in The French Academie by Pierre de La Primaudaye: Perillus besought him to giue him some monie towards the mariage of his daughters, wherupon he gaue to him also 50 Talents.