Half hearing or half deaf? | Deaf Community
2007年12月19日 · If you are deaf in one ear, and have perfect hearing in the other you would be hearing impaired. If you are deaf in one ear and have some hearing loss in the other, you would be deaf. If you feel your deafness defines you, you would be Deaf with a capital D. It sounds to me like you have some loss in the hearing ear, so I'd say you're deaf ...
The wanderer: Half-blind, nearly deaf Yorkie looking for danger on …
2004年4月18日 · Picture this: A 14-year-old Yorkie is wearing a colorful plastic barrette to keep the hair out of his eyes. The Yorkie is half-blind, almost deaf, bowlegged, humpbacked and down to a measly 5 pounds from his peak weight of 7 pounds. And he is walking through the infamous Hawthorne Curve on Business 40 at 4:30 a.m.
What is Deaf Culture? What You Need To Know (2024)
2023年8月15日 · “Deaf people around the world” painting by Nancy Rourke By the Numbers. In the United States today, around 600,000 people or 22 percent of the population, has some degree of hearing loss, and of this, more than half are aged 65 and older.
Hey from the Half Deaf kid! | Page 2 | Deaf Community
2014年8月20日 · I think my school has a Deaf/HoH program, but yeah I've been in Honors classes the whole time. What ive been doing is sit in the front of the class. I sometimes get the words jumbled up, but for the most part I'm alright.
I'm hearing and mute; can I give people sign names?
2014年10月8日 · As I stated on my introduction thread, I am hearing and have mutism due to being autistic, which is a major incentive for learning sign language. I'm interested in giving people sign names, but I've heard that you're not supposed give them (or choose your own) if you aren't deaf, so I'd like to...
Half Deaf | Deaf Community
2016年9月15日 · Hey, i'm Kate, Im 15 and completely deaf in my right ear and am going deaf in my left, im trying to learn asl but its really difficult
Movie "The Quiet" and Psychosomatic Deafness | Deaf Community
2007年11月16日 · The "deaf" man had to tesifty and to everybody's shock he spoke in a cracked voice, for he had not used it in years. ( I couldn't recall the moive title, I apologize) I, personally, don't find it too annoying when hearing people pretends to be deaf, but I would ENCOURAGE more Deaf people to be involved in the screen. Hope this helps.
Deaf-Hearing Marriage | Page 2 | Deaf Community
2003年4月3日 · The other thing is getting along. In order to get along, both would have to be comfortable with what the other does. If the hearing person has hearing friends around and the hearing person starts talking without signing, how will the deaf half understand or feel?
Hey from the Half Deaf kid! | Deaf Community
2014年8月17日 · I'm 16, and ive been half deaf since birth. I am new to ASL, but I'm getting very good at it. I only have one question: are we who have Single Sided Deafness included in the deaf community?:wave::aw:
deafness as a turn on | Deaf Community
2004年11月17日 · I'm deaf in one ear and half deaf in the other, but I have really good speech... I do, however, have a noticable "lisp"... I often misuse my "Shh" and "Chh" sounds, as well as some others. I have had some guys tell me it's absolutely adorable. I wouldn't go as far as to say they were turned on by the way I talk, but it doesn't seem to hurt...