22° halo - Wikipedia
A 22° halo is an atmospheric optical phenomenon that consists of a halo with an apparent radius of approximately 22° around the Sun or Moon. Around the Sun, it may also be called a sun halo. [1] Around the Moon, it is also known as a moon ring, storm ring, or winter halo.
22度暈 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
22度暈 是在 太陽 或 月亮 周圍形成的22°的 暈,由大氣層中懸浮的大量 六邊形 冰晶 折射陽光或月光形成。 [1] 穿過60°六邊形冰晶頂角的光線發生偏折,其度數位於22°- 50°之間。 不過精確來說平均最小偏折應為21.84°(取決於光的 波長,紅光21.54°,藍光22.37°),內部邊緣為紅色,外部為藍色。 [2] 一年中可能会有100天可以观测到22度暈,远比 彩虹 来的频繁。 [3] 2012年10月27日出現在 馬薩諸賽州 塞勒姆 的22度日暈和 幻日。 在民間,22度暈被認為是風暴來臨前的徵兆之 …
22° 晕 - 国际云图集
22° 晕 (以前称为小晕)是最常见的晕现象。 小晕呈白色或基本为白色的22°角半径光环,其中心为光源(太阳或月亮)。 内侧为红色条纹,在极少数情况下,外侧为紫色条纹。
The 22° Halo - HyperPhysics
The familiar 22° halo around the Sun or Moon occurs because of refraction in tiny hexagonal ice crystals in the air. With the 60° apex angle of the prism formed by extending the sides of the crystal and the index of refraction of ice (n=1.31) one …
22° halo - International Cloud Atlas
The 22° halo (previously known as the small haloe) is the most frequently observed halo phenomenon. The small halo appears as a white or mostly white luminous ring of 22° radius with the light source (Sun or Moon) at its centre. It shows a red fringe on the inside and, in some rare cases, a violet f...
Solar Halos – Defining The Rings Around The Sun - Own Your …
2025年2月28日 · Solar or 22-degree halos are defined as hazy rainbow-colored rings occurring at a radius of approximately 22 degrees around the sun. It results from the sun's light being refracted by ice crystals in Cirrus clouds in the upper troposphere at altitudes of …
22 Degree Halo: a ring of light 22 degrees from the sun or moon
A 22 degree halo is a ring of light 22 degrees from the sun (or moon) and is the most common type of halo observed and is formed by hexagonal ice crystals with diameters less than 20.5 micrometers. Light undergoes two refractions as it passes through an ice crystal and the amount of bending that occurs depends upon the ice crystal's diameter.
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halo of 22° - Glossary of Meteorology
The 22° halo is explained by the refraction of light that enters one prism face and leaves by the second prism face beyond, thus being refracted by a prism with an effective angle of 60°. The angle of minimum deviation for an ice prism of this prism angle is about 22°, so such light does not appear inside the halo, accounting for the darker ...