Sh'wada-pattern supercarrier - Ship class - Halopedia, the Halo wiki
The Sh'wada-pattern supercarrier (UNSC three-letter classification: CSO-class supercarrier), is a powerful supermassive capital ship and one of the largest vessel classes formerly used by the Covenant, primarily designed for command and control duties for fleets, as well as support for occupation forces.
CSO-class supercarrier | Halo Alpha | Fandom
The CSO-class supercarrier[1] is an extremely powerful, heavy warship classification and the largest class within the Covenant Navy. Multiple supercarriers of the Second Fleet of Homogeneous Clarity defended the massive space station of High Charity [3] and one such vessel served as the flagship of the Combined Fleet of Righteous Purpose. [4][5]
【HALO舰船百科】CSO级超级航母 —— 认准已知仅此一艘漫漫长 …
Sh'wada-pattern supercarrier / 什'瓦达型超级航母 被UNSC命名为 CSO-class supercarrier / CSO级超级航母 , 是一款强大的星盟旗舰设计范式,主要用于舰队指挥和控制,以及支援地面占领军,通常只在入侵具有极高战略价值的世界时才会出动。
【HALO舰船百科】星盟船舰名录 —— 舰名合集条目 - 哔哩哔哩
2022年10月30日 · 本条目旨在收集HALO目前登场的所有星盟舰名,并按照舰种和级别进行分类。 荣耀探索者号 / Quester of Glory —— 在大分裂中落入桑赫利派系,更名为混乱号 / Mayhem。 由桑赫利奥斯之剑的恩托'斯劳姆担任舰主;在遥远风暴行动中被重创,后被UNSC见证者号抢救.
Supercarrier - Halopedia, the Halo wiki
A supercarrier is a ship classification that is a sub-variant of carrier within the UNSC and Covenant fleets. In the UNSC Navy, supercarriers serve as the core of major expeditionary fleets, while carriers fill a similar role for smaller battlegroups and defensive fleets. [1] This section needs expansion. You can help Halopedia by expanding it.
Long Night of Solace - Ship - Halopedia, the Halo wiki
Long Night of Solace was a Covenant Sh'wada -pattern supercarrier and the flagship of the Fleet of Valiant Prudence, commanded by Supreme Commander Rho 'Barutamee. [1] [3] Long Night of Solace and its fleet inadvertently served as an advance invasion force on the planet Reach during the Fall of Reach in the summer of 2552. [4] .
星盟战舰介绍----CSO级超级航母 - 哔哩哔哩
2020年4月27日 · CSO级超级航母是一种非常巨大且装备精良的主力舰,其巨大的体格足以让其他大多数星盟战舰相形见绌。 这艘船从外观看来几乎和CAS级一模一样,并且都有着钩状船头以及其他一些造型设计。 只不过颜色是紫色而非CAS级的白色。 分类. 在CSO的三个字母分类代码中,“S”代表“救赎/Salvation”表示该战舰是一艘专用战舰。 “O”代表“受戒/Ordained”,表明CSO级超级航母不是用于单一任务类型,并且被先行者技术所强化。 与CAS一样,CSO也被UNSC指定 …
UNSC Infinity vs CSO Super Carrier : r/halo - Reddit
2019年11月3日 · CSO is around 30 times the volume of the Infinity and shares the design of the CAS-class assault carrier, which was known for the massive hanger in proportion to its size. The Infinity, in addition to its much less volume, inherent a MAC focused design that sacrifices hanger size (the ship is literally a flying MAC).
【HALO舰船百科】CSO级超级母舰 —— 认准已知仅此一艘漫漫长 …
2022年6月20日 · Sh'wada-pattern supercarrier /CSO-class supercarrier是一种强大的星盟旗舰,主要用于舰队指挥和控制,以及支援地面占领军。它通常只在入侵具有高战略价值的世界时部署。
Long Night of Solace | Halo Alpha | Fandom
Long Night of Solace was a Covenant CSO-class supercarrier that led the Fleet of Valiant Prudence to assault the planet...