Commune Design | Commune Post
2022年12月20日 · Hamana is an incredible artist, a farmer, and a fisherman. He’s also super personable and warm and looks like a Japanese action star. His home is right on the water and the pots are everywhere: giant one perched in the middle of his tiny living room and kitchen, a population of them out on his deck…everywhere you look.
Bold, Bulbous, and Irregular: The Ceramics of Kazunori Hamana
Bold, bulbous, and irregular, Kazunori Hamana creates vast ceramics that absorb and update Japanese craft traditions. Guided by nature and executed through intuition, his striking vessel sculptures are imbued with an appreciation for the concepts of wabi-sabi, aspects of which advocate for the acceptance of impermanence.
Kazunori Hamana's dynamic ceramic vessels highlight his …
2024年5月1日 · Drawing inspiration from traditional Japanese tsubo, functional clay jars dating back to the 12 th century, Hamana creates large-scale dynamic vessels that transcend mere containers. Working highly intuitively, the artist explores the idea of containment within the vessel, seeing space and volume as important representations of the human body.
Kazunori Hamana (@kazunorihamana) • Instagram photos and videos
41K Followers, 524 Following, 1,057 Posts - Kazunori Hamana (@kazunorihamana) on Instagram: "I'm a fisherman and a farmer. I make anchovy sauce. I live by the sea. I find beautiful objects. I make ceramics."
Kazunori Hamana represented by Blum & Poe - artdaily.com
Blum & Poe announced the representation of Chiba, Japan-based artist Kazunori Hamana. A solo exhibition of Hamana’s work will open this September in Los Angeles, his third presentation with the gallery. Kazunori Hamana was born in Osaka, Japan, in 1969 and grew up in Amagasaki, Hyogo Prefecture.
荻pote - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
荻pote (日语: 荻 おぎ pote)是日本的 插画师。 出身并居住在日本 新潟县。 同人社团为「Milky Been!」。 「赛璐璐上色法·改」的创造者,以赛璐璐为主要绘制风格绘制美少女插画。 深受京都动画的作品,特别是《轻音少女! 》的影响,逐渐形成了现在的画风。 在高中朋友的带领下成为动画宅,之后接触了「Paint Tool SAI」开始画美少女插画。 第一次接到约稿是在高中的时候,受一位业余网络小说作者委托画插图。 大学就读教育学部。 因为想成为一名美术老师,所以研 …
リッチモアは関西の文化・風物を彩る色彩で、「細雪」に登場する4人姉妹のキャラクターを現代のスタイルに表現します。 エコアンダリヤは、木材パルプを原料とする再生繊維で、土に戻る環境にやさしい素材。 色数が豊富で、サラサラの手触り。 針のすべりが良く編みやすい仕立てです。 種類もカラーも豊富な羊毛やアクレーヌで、今流行りのリアルな動物やかわいいマスコットが作れます! Copyright (C) HAMANAKA All Right Reserved. 楽しい手芸のハマナカの …
【图片】【大师简介】看看介绍了解一下Famoudou Konate & Hamana …
Famoudou共出版了8张CD,包括最新的一张Hamana Namun。 其中,Hamana Mandinkono为他的代表作。 Famoudou是一位在全世界享有声誉的宗师,他将毕生的精力都奉献于了传播和平之音,致力保存传统音乐及文化,将非洲音乐从根源带向世界。
PT. Hamana Sukses Indonesia
Di PT. Hamana Sukses Indonesia, kami menawarkan solusi komprehensif dengan berbagai produk di bidang F&B, ritel, layanan otomatis, energi terbarukan, dan kendaraan listrik. Nikmati paket wisata snorkeling, kebutuhan sehari-hari, makanan dan minuman berkualitas tinggi, dan solusi ramah lingkungan di satu tempat.
Home base - HAMANA
HAMANA brings Nature to your daily life by making slippers, bags, accessories, by using plants and empowering sustainable materials! GRAND OPENING 15% OFF THE ENTIRE STORE! · MADE WITH LOVE by -HAMANA. Slippers have really good smell. They are soft and comfortable to wear in the house or I can wear them to go for a picnic.