Hammerskins - Wikipedia
The Hammerskins (also known as Hammerskin Nation) are a neo-Nazi group formed in 1988 in Dallas, Texas. [3] Their primary focus is the production and promotion of white power rock music, [ 4 ] [ 5 ] and many white power bands have been affiliated with the group.
Hammerskin Nation (a.k.a. Hammerskins) - Counter Extremism …
Hammerskin Nation (a.k.a. Hammerskins) was reportedly the largest, most organized, and most violent neo-Nazi skinhead gang in the United States as of 2018.
The Hammerskin Nation - ADL
2017年2月6日 · The first Hammerskin group, the Confederate Hammerskins, formed in Dallas, Texas, in the late 1980s. Since then, dozens of local and regional Hammerskin groups have appeared, including the Eastern Hammerskins, the Northern Hammerskins and …
Germany bans neo-Nazi group Hammerskins - BBC
2023年9月19日 · Germany has outlawed Hammerskins, a neo-Nazi group known for its role in organising far-right concerts and selling racist music. The move set "a clear signal against racism and antisemitism ...
The Confederate Hammerskins, a Neo-Nazi Skinhead Gang, Terrorized ...
2021年6月9日 · In the late 1980s, a Dallas-based skinhead group known as the Confederate Hammerskins attacked people of color, rival skinheads and places of worship around town.
Germany bans neo-Nazi group with links to US, conducts raids in …
2023年9月19日 · Germany has banned the neo-Nazi group Hammerskins Germany and is raiding homes of dozens of its members. The group is an offshoot of an American right-wing extremist group and plays a prominent role across Europe.
Hammerskin Nation - Office of Justice Programs
Skinheads were seen as dysfunctional youth who were in and out of jail and prone to fighting among themselves. In this context, the Hammerskins first appeared in the late 1980's as the Dallas-based Confederate Hammerskins and spread to other States.
Hammerskin Nation Emerges from Small Dallas Group
1999年12月15日 · This politicization goes back to the US Hammerskins and their theory of ‘leaderless resistance.’ “The organizational form adopted by the Hammerskins consists of single, decentralized, autonomously organized nazi cells united on the basis of a common commitment to national socialist ideology.
GROUP BIO – Hammerskins – C4R
2020年10月5日 · Founded in the late 1980s, the Hammerskins are one of the oldest neo-Nazi skinhead group in the United States (Anti-Defamation League, n.d.; Beard, 2014; Reynolds, 1999). It was originally formed in Dallas, Texas, in 1987 under the name of Confederate Hammerskins (Beard, 2014).
Hammerskins – Das geheime Neonazi-Netzwerk | Doku - YouTube
2021年7月15日 · Sie glauben an die „Vorherrschaft der weißen Rasse“, trainieren für den „Tag X“, an dem sie die Macht übernehmen. Doch sie bleiben fast immer unsichtbar – Un...