AMSAT – The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation
Join, renew, and manage your AMSAT membership on our member management portal powered by WildApricot. If you are a current member, click here for instructions on accessing your account. The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation, or AMSAT, is a worldwide group of Amateur Radio Operators (Hams).
HAMSAT - Wikipedia
HAMSAT, also known as HAMSAT INDIA, VU2SAT and VO-52, is a microsatellite weighing 42.5 kilograms (93.7 lb), providing amateur radio satellite communications services for Indian and international amateur radio operators. This satellite carries the in-orbit designation of VO-52, and is an OSCAR series satellite.
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VO-52 (HamSAT) – AMSAT
VUSat OSCAR-52 (VO-52 HAMSAT) is a microsatellite providing satellite based Amateur Radio Services to the national (India) as well as the international community of Amateur Radio Operator.
AMSAT-UK | Radio Amateur Satellites
Astronaut and radio amateur, Rabea Rogge LB9NJ / KD3AID, will be transmitting amateur radio Slow Scan TV images from space during the SpaceX Fram2 mission, planned for March. It will be the first polar-orbit human spaceflight mission to explore Earth.
HAMSAT II is envisioned to fill the gap created by the recent end of life of HAMSAT and shall continue servicing the societal needs in disaster management, amateur/emergency radio communications and education. Some of the contemplated payloads for HAMSAT II include: • U/V Analog FM Transponder • U/V Linear Transponder, 50 kHz • APRS ...
History of Amateur Radio Satellites - Hamsats - SPACE TODAY
Radio amateurs love to track down hidden transmitters in so-called "fox hunts." In a SatFox Test, amateurs at home simulate a hidden transmitter hunt using a hamsat to find a hidden "fox." A "ZRO Technical Achievement Award" is earned by a hamsat user for superior station performance in a sensitivity test of receiving weak satellite signals.
HAMSAT (VUSat, VO 52, VUSat-OSCAR 52) - Gunter's Space Page
2023年5月24日 · HAMSAT was a microsatellite for providing satellite based Amateur Radio Services to the national as well as the international community of Amateur Radio Operators (HAMs).
无线电通讯爱好者卫星 - 卫星百科,很认真的中文航天百科 - 灰 …
HAMSAT是一颗印度 (ISRO)微型卫星,于2005年5月5日UTC04:44由 印度极轨卫星发射器 火箭从印度东南海岸的斯里赫里戈达发射。 这颗43 kg重的卫星将在业余无线电VHF波段中继通信。 [1] ↑ NSSDCA Master Catalog "Hamsat". 卫星百科 航天大模型 正在公测中。 禁止在任何页面泄露 国家秘密 或 商业秘密。 除特殊说明外, 本站点 内容基于 CC BY-SA 4.0 协议 共享,转载需注明来源并按相同方式共享。 加群链接: 航天讨论 、 编辑问题反馈 、 获取航天动态。 欢迎来 卫星 …
Satellites - AMSAT-UK
IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination Frequencies of Active Satellites Sounds from Satellites Planned Space Launches ESEO CAS-4A and CAS-4B Nayif-1 LilacSat-2 UKube-1 (FUNcube-2) AMSAT-OSCAR-73 (FUNcube-1) VUsat-OSCAR-52 (HAMSAT) Saudi-OSCAR-50 Fuji-OSCAR-29 (JAS-2) AMSAT-OSCAR-7 STRaND-1
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