City and County of Honolulu Disability Parking Permit Information
If you are applying for a Disabled Paid Parking Exemption Permit (green) placard, visit this webpage: https://health.hawaii.gov/dcab/disabled-paid-parking-exemption-permit/
Mark this box to renew your temporary (red) placard, long term (blue) placard, or Disability Paid Parking Exemption Permit/DPPEP (green) placard. You may apply up to 60 days before it …
Disability License Plates & Placards in Hawaii | DMV.ORG
You can apply for a placard or plate for handicapped parking in a few simple steps, and it's also easy to renew your disability permit. You can even get a replacement placard or plate if yours …
Disability Plates & Placards - DMV.ORG
DMV.ORG has compiled the information you need to apply for a disability placard or license plate in your state. Search our pages to find out what you need to apply, where to apply, and how to …
Disability Placard - Oklahoma.gov
Disability placards allow you to park in designated disabled parking spaces. A disabled person may apply for a Disability Placard at no charge. You can also renew or replace your Placard …
Apply for or Renew a Persons with Disability Parking Placard - PA.GOV
How to apply for a persons with disability parking placard; Renewing or replacing disability parking placard; How to use the placard; Eligibility requirements; Additional resources
Disabled Person Parking Placard Application - California DMV
Request an original Disabled Person Parking Placard. Before you begin: Have a completed Application for Disabled Person Placard or Plates (REG 195), signed by your medical provider. …
Permanent Disabled Parking Placard Applications — Walk-in’s can be processed at the Springfield Wabash DMV at 1650 Wabash Ave., Unit D, Springfield, IL 62704, or mailed to the …
Official NCDMV: Disability Placards & Plates - N.C. Department …
Under North Carolina law, the N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles issues disability placards and license plates for vehicle owners who need parking assistance and are certified as: Being …
Disability Parking - Pages - Motor Vehicle Administration
Looking for more information on disability parking? Visit the Motorists with Disabilities FAQ. To discourage theft, please conceal your placard when it is not in use.