如何划分handy、Panamax、Capesize 三种船型? - 知乎
2021年6月26日 · 好望角型散船(Capesize bulk carrier):指载货重量在15万吨左右的散货船,该船型以运输铁矿石为主,由于尺度限制不可能通过巴拿马运河和苏伊士运河,需绕行好望角和合恩角,台湾省称之为“海岬”型。 由于近年苏伊士运河当局已放宽通过运河船舶的吃水限制,该型船多可满载通过该运河。 如何划分handy、Panamax、Capesize 三种船型?灵便型散货船(Handysize bulk carrier):指载重量在2-5万吨左右的散货船,其中超过4万吨的船舶又被称为大灵便型散 …
Handysize - Wikipedia
Handysize is a naval architecture term for smaller bulk carriers or oil tanker with deadweight of up to 50,000 tonnes, [1] although there is no official definition in terms of exact tonnages. Handysize is also sometimes used to refer to the span of up to 60,000 tons, with the vessels above 35,000 tonnes referred to as Handymax or Supramax.
What is Handysize Bulk Carrier? - HandyBulk
Handysize bulk carriers are the smallest size of bulk carrier, typically ranging in size from 15,000 to 35,000 deadweight tonnage (DWT). The draft of Handysize Bulk Carriers will typically range from around 6 to 10 meters when unloaded, to up to 12 to 14 meters when fully loaded.
Bulk Carrier Ship Sizes - HandyBulk
Handysize Bulk Carriers (10,000-39,999 DWT): Handysize Bulk Carriers are the most versatile class of bulk carriers. Handysize Bulk Carriers operate for deep-sea trading. As the definition is not straightforward, Handysize Bulk Carriers can also comprise sub-categories Handymax, Supramax, Ultramax bulk carriers.
灵便型散货船 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
灵便型散货船 (英語: Handysize bulk carrier)是一种载重量大于1万 吨, 小于4万吨 [來源請求][1] 的配有 起重机 和装卸设备的 散货船。 更大的 大灵便型散货船 (Handymax bulk carrier)載重量在4萬至6萬噸之間。 由于配有装卸设备,同时 载重 小, 吃水 比较浅,所以能适应水深较浅,条件比较差的 港口,营运方便灵活,适应性强,所以被称之为灵便型。 [2] 灵便型散货船是常见的 散货船,大约有将近2000艘灵便型散货船在全球各条航线上服务, 总吨位达到4300万吨 [ …
灵便型散货船(Handysize bulk carrier) - 船舶市场 - 航运指数网
灵便型散货船(Handysize bulk carrier):指载重量在2-5万吨左右的散货船,其中超过4万吨的船舶又被称为大灵便型散货船(Handymax bulk carrier)。 众所周知,干散货是海运的大宗货物,这些吨位相对较小的船舶具有较强的对航道、运河及港口的适应性,载重吨量适中,且多配有起卸货设备,营运方便灵活,因而被称之为“灵便型”。
如何划分handy,Panamax,Capesize 三种船型 - 邮轮网
灵便型散货船(Handysize bulk carrier):指载重量在2-5万吨左右的散货船,其中超过4万吨的船舶又被称为大灵便型散货船(Handymax bulk carrier)。 众所周知,干散货是海运的大宗货物,这些
Dry-Bulk Cargo Freight | Handysize Chartering Pool
Handysize Chartering Pool specializes in the Dry Bulk shipping market. We serve our customers with any kind of cargo type between worldwide ports. Thanks to the artificial intelligence we have created for this diversity, we are using it to provide our …
Handysize Chartering Pool
Handysize Chartering Pool focus on Drybulk Market and offers clients to an innovative and forward-looking chartering solutions, built to make the chartering process more efficient regarding the practical rules, experience, and ethics.
Various Bulk carrier sizes and employment guide
'Handysize' are the medium bulk carriers of between 24000 ~ 35000 DWT ( 130 - 150 m length & 10m draft ). They can carry cargoes to a large number of ports, may carry considerable variety and quantity of bulk cargoes.